It is a fully mature benign neoplasm of the sympathetic nervous system that usually occurs in older age group than Neuroblastoma
Discovered incidentally but may present with VIP syndrome
Age group-7 years of age or older
Site– Arises in posterior mediastinum followed by the retroperitoneum particularly the presacral space
- Other rare sites are
Cervical and parapharyngeal area
Urinary bladder
Paratesticular areas
Spine cervical area
Gross findings:
Well circumscribed (some as encapsulated)
Size -8-15cm
Tumors are firm and resilient and an cross section are gray white to tan yellow
Sometimes trabecular or whorled appearance is also present
Adrenal Ganglioneuroma are sharply circumscribed and delimited by residual adrenal cortex and capsule. But rarely may extend beyond the confines of capsule
Ganglioneuromas contain a variable admixture of mature or mildly dysmorphic ganglion cells and an over abundance of mature Schwann cells
Schawann cell component may be present as small fascicles or intersecting bundles which are separated by loose myxoid stroma
Considerable variation occurs in distribution of ganglion cells. Paucity of ganglion cells may lead to confusion with neurofibroma
Well differentiated ganglion cells have compact eosinophilic cytoplasm with distinct cell borders and a single eccentric nucleus with a prominent nucleolus
Occasional dysmorphic ganglion cells with single or multiple pyknotic nuclei may be seen
In adrenal GN:
Tumor is sharply demarcated from adjacent adrenal tissue or can insinuate between adjacent cells
Cellular atypia , mitotic activity and necrosis may be absent
Some ganglion cells contain brown granular pigment which is lipofuscin or neuromelanin
Other features that can be present are
Adipose tissue
Chronic inflammation
Collagenized stroma
Malignant transformation into malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor or rhabdomyosarcoma nay occur
Rare cases shows leydig cells in the tumor and patient presents with virilisation
Differential diagnosis – maturing Ganglioneuroma can simulate intermixed Ganglioneuroblastoma. In Ganglioneuroma, stroma constitutes >50% of the tumor
Ernest E. Lack. Neuroblastoma, Ganglioneuroblastoma and other related tumors. In: Tumors of Adrenal Glands and Extraadrenal paraganglioma. AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology Series 4; Chapter 19: 463-477

Ganglioneuroma: Ganglion cells intermixed with spindle shaped schwann cells. Few vessels lined by endothelial cells are present (H&E,X100)

Ganglioneuroma: Tumor showing normal adrenal parenchyma trapped at periphery (top centre)(H&E, X100)

Ganglioneuroma: Tumor showing dysmorphic ganglion cells with binucleated nuclei with prominent nucleoli (H&E,X400)