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Central Nervous system
Types and diagnosis of meningitis (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
Embryonal brain tumors in children (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
Squash cytology (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
Alzheimer’s disease (NTRUHS, June 2023)
Describe the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases (SVIMS, June 2023)
Discuss the molecular classification of glioblastoma (SVIMS, June 2023)
Discuss the role of Squash cytology in CNS lesions ( SVIMS April 2022, JIPMER MAR 2011)
Progressive multifocal leuko encephalopathy
Squash smear cytology in intraoperative diagnosis of CNS tumors (NTRUHS, Nov 2021)
Pathology of viral meningoencephalitis (SVIMS April 2021)
Molecular classification of medulloblastoma (NIMS April 2021)
Role of squash technique in CNS tumors (NTRUHS, November 2020)
Discuss the role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of the central nervous system tumors (2018)
Aggressive meningioma (2018)
Describe the pathology of Meningioma
Alzheimer’s disease (NTRUHS, RGUHS July 2020)
Mitochondrial encepholomyopathies
Classify tumors of the central nervous system.Discuss the current advances in their diagnosis
Subacute sclerosing panenuphalopathy
Discuss in detail PRION diseases
Write in detail about subarachnoid haemorrhage
Discuss in detail about laboratory diagnosis of meningitis.
Pathophysiology of dementias and implications for therapy.
Classify neurodegenerative diseases. Add a note on Alzheimer’s diseases.
Artificial neural networks in diagnostic pathology
Neuromuscular junction disorders
Neuroblastoma (NTRUHS, RGUHS July 2020)
Creutzfeldt jakob disease.
Name various organisms causing meningitis. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of acute pyogenic meningitis
Japanese encephalitis.
Discuss the value of cerebrospinal fluid examination in a case of meningitis.
Name various causes of meningitis and discuss the C.S.F findings in bacterial meningitis.
CSF analysis.
CSF findings in TB meningitis.
Classify meningitis and discuss the laboratory tests useful in diagnosis of various types.
Formation and circulation of CSF.Discuss CSF alterations in meningitis.
Glioblastoma multiforma
Aubacute sclerosing paneacephalopathy
New variant Creutzfeldt –Jacob disease
Krabbe disease (RGUHS 2018)
Discuss the changes in the 2016 WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system (2018)
Morphology of brain in Alzeimers disease (RGUHS 2018)
Histological variants of oligodendroglioma (RGUHS MAY 2010)
Pathology of Neurothecoma (RGUHS MAY 2010)
WHO classification of meningiomas (RGUHS MAY 2010)
Creutz feldt jakob disease (RGUHS OCT 2010)
Describe the squash technique and discuss its utility in the diagnosis of central nervous system tumors (MANIPAL APRIL 2014,JIPMER OCT 2015)
Prion diseases in humans (MANIAPAL APRIL 2014, RGUHS MAY 2010)
Discuss the pathology of neuronal and glioneuronal tumors (RGUHS SEP 2007)
Pathology of ependymomas (RGUHS SEP 2007)
Cysts of central nervous neuraxis (RGUHS SEP 2007)
Discuss CNS lesions having astrocytic profileration(RGUHS MAY 2007)
Dysembryoblastic neuroectodermal tumor (RGUHS MAY 2007)
Classify tumor of CNS .Discuss the pathology of posterior cranial fossa tumor (RGUHS JUNE 2017)
Pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (JIPMER OCT 2012)
Differential diagnosis of filamentous fungal CNS infectious (JIPMER MAR 2014)
Neuropathologic changes and genetic aspects of Alzheimer’s disease (JIPMER MAR 2009)
Pathogenesis and neuropathology of human prion diseases (JIPMER OCT 2012)
Immunohistochemical evaluation of CNS tumors (JIPMER MAR 2015)
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