Female genital tract
Recent advances in gestational trophoblastic disease classification (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus biopsy (NTRUHS, June 2023)
Granulosa cell tumor (NTRUHS, June 2023)
Recent advances in pathology of epithelial tumors of ovary (NTRUHS May 2022)
Discuss about the placental site trophoblastic tumors (SVIMS April 2022)
Describe the recent diagnostic and prognostic indices in endometrial carcinoma (SVIMS April 2022)
Molecular genetics in progression of ca-in-situ to SCC of cervix (NTRUHS, Nov 2021)
Gestational trophoblastic tumors (SVIMS April 2021)
Role of E6 and E7 in cervical cancer (NIMS, April 2021)
Classify ovarian tumors. Describe in detail hormone producing ovarian tumors.
Classify ovarian tumors and describe the pathology of Mucinous cystadenoma of Ovary.
Classify ovarian tumors Add a note on their histogenesis and immunohistochemical diagnosis.
Classify ovarian tumors and describe the pathology of Krukenberg tumors.
Discuss classification and histomorphological features of ovarian tumors.
Discuss pathogenesis of ovarian tumors.
Germ cell tumors of ovary.
Immature Teratoma.
Describe stromal tumors of ovary.
Yok Sac Tumors.
Sex Cord Stromal tumors of Ovary
Discuss classification and morphology of sex cord stromal tumors of ovary. Add a note on the role of IHC in the diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian tumors.
Brenners tumor.
Krukenberg tumor.
Discuss the value of endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Pathogenesis of endometriosis.
Problems in interpretation of endometrial biopsy.
Etiopathogenesis and pathology of endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia
Discuss the current concepts in pathogenesis of endometrial carcinoma.
Pathology of endometrial stromal tumors
Endometrial mesenchymal metaplasia
Microglandular hyperplasia of cervix
Discuss the current concepts in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer
Etiology of Carcinoma Cervix.
Carcinoma cervix.
Pathogenesis of Cervical intra epithelial neoplasia.
High grade Cervical intra epithelial neoplasia.
Enumerate the microscopic variants of Endocervical adenocarcinoma & discuss its etiopathogenesis & pathology.
Pathogenesis of cervical neoplasia.
How will you investigate a case of bleeding per vagina in a post menopausal woman.
Post-menopausal lady presents with bleeding per vagina. How will you investigate her? Describe the microscopic features of the probable diagnosis.
Placental morphometry and pathology in high risk pregnancies.
Causes of perinatal death, add a note on placental examination.
Discuss the value of placental examination in perinatal death.
Placenta pathology in HDP(Hypertensive disease of pregnancy).
Discuss the pathology of female infertility.
Pathology of gestational trophoblastic disease.
Trophoblastic tumors.
Placental site trophoblastic lesions.
Enumerate and discuss-Infectious diseases of the female genital tract.
Recent concepts in pathology and pathogenesis of metaplasias in female genital tract.
HPV Vaccines uses and limitations.
Squamous intraepithelial lesion(SIL)
Morphology and prognosis of borderline serous tumors of ovary.
Enumerate hormone secreting tumors. Give differentiating features of various ovarian hormone producing neoplasms.
Name various smooth muscle proliferations of uterus and their diagnostic morphological features.
Classification and pathogenesis of germ cell tumors.
Morphology of endodermal sinus tumor.
Stains used in vaginal cytology
Age associated changes in gynec cytology
Placental site trophoblastic tumor
FIGO staging of ovarian tumors (RGUHS July 2020)
Endometrial hyperplasias (RGUHS 2018)
Ovarian teratoma (RGUHS 2018)
Metaplasias in female genital tract (RGUHS MAY 2017, MAY 2010)
Discuss the classification ,morphology of sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary .Add a note on the role of IHC in the diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian tumors (RGUHS MAY 2010)
Pathogenesis of cervical neoplasia (RGUHS OCT 2010)
High grade squamous intra epithelial lesion (RGUHS SEP 2007)
Discuss classification and histomorphological features of ovarian tumors (RGUHS SEP 2007)
Chronic vulvar dystrophies (RGUHS MAY 2007)
Human papilloma virus and the lower female genital tract (RGUHS SEP 2007)
Problems in interpretation of endometrial biopsies (RGUHS MAY 2007)
Trophoblastic tumor (RGUHS MAY 2007)
Discuss the classification of ovarian tumor (RGUHS NOV 2016)
Genetic basis and differential diagnosis of molar pregnancy (JIPMER MAR 2013)
Genetic alteration and morphology of endometrial hyperplasia (JIPMER OCT 2014)
Role of IHC in gynecological pathology (JIPMER MAR 2016)
Biological markers of carcinoma cervix (JIPMER MAR 2009)
Endometrial hyperplasia (JIPMER MAR 2009)
Discuss the current concepts regarding precancerous lesions of endometrial adenocarcinoma with emphasis on the endometrial intraepithelial neoplasm (JIPMER OCT 2012)