Head and Neck pg

  1. Recent classification of salivary gland tumors (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
  2. Discuss the milan system of cytology in salivary gland lesions (SVIMS, June 2023)
  3. Discuss the diagnostic challenges in the cytology of salivary gland lesions (SVIMS, April 2022)
  4. Mixed odontogenic tumors (NTRUHS, Nov 2021 )
  5. Discuss molecularalteration in salivary gland tumors with their role in diagnosis and therapy (SVIMS April 2021)
  6. Pathology of paraganglioma
  7. Pathology of sinonasal tumors
  8. Premalignant lesions of oral cavity
  9. Classify salivary gland tumors and discuss briefly pathology of malignant tumors of salivary gland
  10. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
  11. Oral submucous fibrosis-etiopathology, pathology and significance
  12. Describe and classify salivary gland neoplasms
  13. Hairy Leukoplakia
  14. Pathology of Myoepithelial sialadenitis
  15. Differential diagnosis of epithelial/myoepithelial proliferations of salivary glands
  16. Pseudotumor of orbit (RGUHS July 2020)
  17. Mikulicz’s syndrome (RGUHS SEP 2007)
  18. Sinonasal tumors (RGUHS MAY 2007)
  19. Odontogenic tumor (RGUHS MAY 2017)
  20. Recent advances in salivary gland tumors (JIPMER MAR 2015)
  21. Write an essay on the current concepts of the primary salivary gland (JIPMER MAR 2012)