Neoplasia pg


  1. Tumor markers (SVIMS, 2024)
  2. Mismatch repair gene (SVIMS, 2024)
  3. Viral carcinogenesis (SVIMS, 2024)
  4. Oncogenes (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
  5. Embryonal tumors  in childhood (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
  6. Microwave processing in histotechniques (NTRUHS, June  2023)
  7. Viral carcinogenesis (NTRUHS, June  2023)
  8. Small round cell tumors (NTRUHS, June  2023)
  9. Discuss the role of tumor suppressor genes in neoplasia (SVIMS, June 2023)
  10. Discuss the role of Epstein Barr virus in human tumors  (NTRUHS Dec 2022)
  11. Discuss the role of BRAF mutations in neoplasia (NTRUHS Dec 2022)
  12. Describe the molecular basis of metastasis (SVIMS April 2022)
  13. What is targeted therapy. Describe its role in cancer patient management (SVIMS April 2022)
  14. Micro RNA s (miRNAs) and role in carcinogenesis (SVIMS April 2021)
  15. Targeted therapy in solid tumors (NIMS April 2021)
  16. Prognostic markers in neoplasia (NIMS, April 2021)
  17. Discuss the role of chemicals in carcinogenesis (NTRUHS Nov 2020)
  18. Discuss the role of Retinoblastoma gene in neoplasia (NTRUHS Nov 2020)
  19. Discuss the paraneoplastic syndromes (NTRUHS Nov 2020)
  20. Discuss the role tumor markers in the laboratory diagnosis of cancer (NTRUHS 2018)
  21. Discuss the role of micro RNAs in cancer (NTRUHS 2018)
  22. Discuss the role of Human papilloma virus in oncogenesis (NTRUHS, Oct,2018)
  23. Discuss the Warburg effect (NTRUHS, Oct,2018, RGUHS 2018)
  24. Discuss epithelial – mesenchymal transition (2018)
  25. Role of HER2/neu in neoplasia (2018)
  26. EBV (Epstein – Barr virus) associated diseases (2018)
  27. Mechanism of metastasis (2018)
  28. HPV and genital cancer .
  29. Mechanism of DNA repair
  30. Discuss the molecular events in cell growth
  31. What is the role of WNT signaling pathway in carcinogenesis
  32. Write the role of cyclins in cell cycle transition
  33. Signal transduction pathway
  34. Describe Knudson’s two hit hypothesis
  35. Describe the role of growth factors in health and disease
  36. Define classify and describe premalignant lesions
  37. Tobacco and neoplasia
  38. Carcinoid syndrome
  39. Value of antigens for analysis of anaplastic tumors
  40. Tumor immunology
  41. Describe the various prognostic factors in cancers
  42. Systemic effects of neoplasia
  43. Paraneoplastic syndrome
  44. Cancer suppression genes/Describe tumor suppressor genes in detail .
  45. Para endocrine syndrome.
  46. Teratogenic agents.
  47. Various mechanisms of tumor spread. Model & mechanism of spread of neoplasm.
  48. Discuss the role of various gene classes involved in cancer.
  49. Oncogenes-classification, detection & analysis. Classify oncogenes. Describe their role in neoplasia.
  50. Describe Cell proliferation in health and disease.
  51. Biology of tumor metastasis.
  52. Biological tumor markers.
  53. Cell proliferation markers.
  54. HIV & neoplasia. Discuss in detail pathogenic human viruses. Add a note on viruses associated with cancer.
  55. Alpha F protein
  56. Describe the major chemical carcinogenesis & steps involved in chemical carcinogenesis. Various aspects of chemical carcinogenesis.
  57. Discuss in detail the relationship of cancer to Sub molecular biology
  58. Tumor markers in vascular tumors.
  59. Host defenses against tumors.
  60. Mechanisms of metastases and outline the role of stroma in tumor progression.
  61. Discuss genes in neoplasia.
  62. Role of tumor stroma in growth and progression.
  63. Cytoplasmic filaments in tumors.
  64. Describe the value of imaging & molecular techniques in diagnosis of neoplasia.
  65. Metastasis genes
  66. Discuss recent concepts of carcinogenesis and role of oncogenes.
  67. Telomere and neoplasia.
  68. Prognostic markers; prognostic markers in epithelial neoplasia
  69. Biological carcinogenesis; microbial carcinogenesis.
  70. Discuss the carcinogenic agent and their cellular events.
  71. Lab diagnosis of cancer; describe methods for early diagnosis of neoplasia.
  72. Curable cancers.
  73. Natural carcinogens; Discuss viral & microbial carcinogenesis.
  74. Discuss role of customs and habits in neoplasia.
  75. Role of diet in carcinogenesis.
  76. Role of angiogenesis in neoplasia.
  77. Tumoral calcinosis.
  78. Mechanism of indiction of hypercalcenia in malignancy.
  79. Discuss role of EBV in malignancy.
  80. Multistep carcinogenesis.
  81. Tumor antigens (RGUHS 2018)
  82. DNA repair defects and cancer (RGUHS 2018)
  83. Tumor suppressor genes (RGUHS 2018) 
  84. Viral carcinogenesis (RGUHS 2018)
  85. Role of matrix metalloproteinase in neoplastic progression (RGUHS MAY 2010)
  86. Tumor markers (RGUHS OCT 2010,MAY 2010)
  87. Discuss the aetiology and pathogenesis of neoplasia,write in detail about molecular mechanism of cancer.(RGUHS OCT 2010)
  88. Discuss viruses and human cancer (RGUHS MAY 2007)
  89. Paraneoplastic syndromes (RGUHS SEP 2007)
  90. Carcinogenesis (RGUHS MAY 2007)
  91. Molecular diagnosis of cancer (RGUHS SEP 2007)
  92. Discuss the important chemical carcinogenesis and the mechanism of chemical carcinogenesis (RGUHS MAY 2017)
  93. DNA repair defects and cancer (RGUHS NOV 2016).
  94. Discuss the role of proto-oncogene’s and oncogenes in health and oncogenesis (JIPMER MAR 2016)
  95. Role of EBV in tumorigenesis (JIPMER JULY 2016)
  96. Genetic predisposition to cancer (JIPMER MAR 2009)
  97. Pathology of lesions caused by human papilloma virus (JIPMER MAR 2012)
  98. Paraneoplastic syndromes (JIPMER MAR 2013)
  99. List the fundamental changes in cell biology that determine the malignant phenotype of a cell. Specific examples give an account of the molecular basis of these changes with result in transforming a normal cell to a malignant one (JIPMER OCT 2012)
  100. Tumor suppressor genes (JIPMER MAR 2015)
  101. HPV and tumorigenesis (JIPMER OCT 2016)
  102. Describe the process of angiogenesis. Discuss the role of angiogenesis in tumor biology. Add a note on the methodology and utility of assessing angiogenesis in neoplastic disorders (JIPMER OCT 2016)
  103. Epithelial mesenchymal transition in cancer invasion and metastasis (JIPMER OCT 2015)
  104. Role of microsatellite instability in neoplasia (JIPMER OCT 2015)
  105. Mutation in BRAF genes (JIPMER MAR 2014)
  106. Describe the DNA repair mechanisms involved in the repair of damaged bases.Explain with examples how mutation in components of these pathways lead to diseases (JIPMER MAR 2014)
  107. Discuss the recent concepts of cancer invasion resulting in metastatsis (JIPMER MAR 2011)