RBC pg

  1. Advantages and limitations of bone marrow biopsy (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
  2.  Spherocytosis (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
  3. Sideroblastic anemia (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
  4. Etiopathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of pernicious anemia (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
  5. Molecular basis of Thalassemia (NTRUHS June 2023)
  6. Describe the red cell inclusions and their importance (SVIMS,June 2023)
  7. Discuss the utility of histograms (RBC, WBC & platelet) (SVIMS,June 2023)
  8. Discuss the uses and methods of bone marrow transplantation (SVIMS, June 2023)
  9. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of sickle cell anemia (NTRUHS Dec 2022)
  10. Discuss the differential diagnosis of spherocytosis  (SVIMS April 2022)
  11. Describe methods of Hb electrophoresis and its role in diagnosis of anemia  (SVIMS April 2022)
  12. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (SVIMS April 2021, NTRUHS, November 2020)
  13. Laboratory diagnosis of Sickle cell disorder (SVIMS, April 2021) 
  14. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Thalassemia (NTRUHS 2018)
  15. Discuss the role of high performance lipid chromatography in hemoglobinopathies (2018)
  16. Aplastic anemia – guidelines for diagnosis and management
  17. Classify sideroblastic Anemias and discuss their Laboratory diagnosis
  18. Define and classify hemophagocytic system and laboratory criteria for diagnosis.
  19. Molecular basis of thalassemia syndrome & Diagnosis
  20. Discuss the role of red cell cytochemistry in haematological disorders
  21. Principle and interpretation of osmotic fragility test in anemias.
  22. Biochemical basis of megaloblastic anemia
  23. Clinical & genetic classification of Thalassemias & lab diagnosis of β-Thalassemia major
  24. Role of laboratory tests in a case of jaundice.
  25. Bombay blood group
  26. Glycosylated haemoglobin.
  27. Refractory anemia.
  28. Porphyrias.
  29. Lab diagnosis of Immune haemolytic anemia
  30. Pathophysiology & lab findings of anemia in chronic diseases.
  31. Causes & differential diagnosis of microcytic hypochromic anemia
  32. Acquired dyserythropoeitic anemias.
  33. Classify haemolytic anemias. Etiopathogenesis & recent concepts in pathology of sickle cell anemia
  34. Role of bone marrow biopsy in the diagnosis of haematological disorders
  35. Lab diagnosis of Autoimmune haemolytic anemia
  36. Coomb’s test
  37. Bone marrow in health & disease
  38. Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias. Lab diagnosis of CDAs
  39. Bilirubin metabolism & its disorders
  40. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of blood substitutes
  41. Red cell membrane defects and disease
  42. Classify Haemolytic Anemias. Discuss the pathology & Laboratory Diagnosis
  43. Pure Red Cell Aplasia
  44. Classify inherited disorders of haemoglobin synthesis. Discuss Haemoglobin C disease.
  45. Pathology of hyperbilirubinemia
  46. Etiopathogenesis & lab evaluation of hyperbilirubinemia
  47. Molecular basis of thalassemia
  48. Define and classify Haemolytic anemias. Discuss about Hereditary hemolytic anaemias.
  49. Discuss erythrocyte cytoskeleton
  50. Lab.diagnosis and molecular biology of sickle cell disease
  51. Complications of Bone marrow Transplantations
  52. G6 PD deficiency
  53. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies
  54. Bonemarrow failure
  55. Fanconi Anemia
  56. Polycythemias
  57. Etiology and diagnosis of Pure Red Cell Aplasia.
  58. Value of reticulocyte preparation in diagnosis of anemia
  59. Pathophysiology of sickling
  60. Lab diagnosis of macrocytic anemias
  61. Secondary polycythemia


  1. Inherited red cell membrane disorders (RGUHS July 2020)
  2. Hematological manifestations of SLE (RGUHS July 2020)
  3. G6PD Deficiency (RGUHS 2018)
  4. Bone marrow appearance in megaloblastic anemia (RGUHS 2018)
  5. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (RGUHS 2018)
  6. Reticulocyte and its importance in hematology (RGUHS 2018)
  7. Pathological inclusions in RBCs (RGUHS 2018)
  8. Aplastic anemia (RGUHS 2018)
  9. Role of Reticulocyte count in evaluation of anaemia. (RGUHS MAY 2010)
  10. Polycythemias (RGUHS MAY 2010)
  11. Sideroblastic anaemia (RGUHS SEP 2007)
  12. Refractory anaemia (RGUHS MAY 2007)
  13. Red cell indices (RGUHS MAY 2007)
  14. Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia (RGUHS SEP 2007)
  15. Discuss the diagnostic methods for investigating iron metabolism (RGUHS NOV 2016)
  16. Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (JIPMER MAR 2016)
  17. Laboratory diagnosis of haemolytic anaemia (JIPMER JULY 2016,OCT 2015)
  18. Approach to pressure of fragmented RBC in the peripheral blood (JIPMER OCT 2016)
  19. Osmotic fragility TEST:Technique ,indications and interpretation (NBE DEC 2016)
  20. Significance of Reticulocyte count (NBE DEC 2016)
  21. Pure red cell aplasia (JIPMER MAR 2012,2009,OCT 2014)
  22. Molecular lesions of β thalassemia (JIPMER MAR 2009)
  23. Laboratory diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (JIPMER MAR 2009)
  24. Discuss the molecular pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of thalassemia syndromes (JIPMER MAR 2012)