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Describe the premalignant lesions of the skin (SVIMS June 2023, NTRUHS Dec 2022)
Classify skin adnexal tumors. Describe the pathology of eccrine tumors (SVIMS April 2022)
Discuss the granulomatous diseases of skin (SVIMS April 2021)
Discuss the diagnosis of cutaneous blistering diseases by light microscopy (2018, RGUHS July 2020)
Vesiculobullous lesions of skin
Immunofluorescence of vesiculobullous lesions of skin
Classify bullous lesions of the skin. Describe morphology and immunofluorescence findings of these lesions
Pigmented lesions of the skin
Give an account of granulomatous skin lesions
Write recent classification of Leprosy and enumerate in detail the pathology, lab diagnosis of lepromatous leprosy
Role of macrophages and immunity in leprosy
Histioid Leprosy
Premalignant lesions of skin
Histological features of prognostic significance in Malignant melanoma
Discuss the progress in diagnosis and prognosis of malignant melanoma
Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features of malignant melanoma
What is minimal deviation melanoma?
Cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders
Pathogenesis & pathology of skin in SLE
Discuss the various skin manifestations due to internal disease
New approaches to the biology of melanoma.
Role of immunofluorescence in the diagnosis of skin disorder
Discuss the etiopathogenesis & prognostic factors in the diagnosis of malignant melanoma.
Bullous lesions of skin
Keratinocyic lesions in skin.
Causes and mechanism of hyperpigmentation due to melanin.
Skin adnexal tumors
Importance of immunoflourscene in the diagnosis of skin disorder
LE cell test & interpretation
Eccrine sweat gland tumor & their pathology.
Gross and microscopic features of Molluscum contagiosum (RGUHS 2018)
Minimal deviation melanoma (RGUHS MAY 2010)
Classify bullous lesions of skin. Describe in detail the morphology and immunofluorescene findings of these lesions (RGUHS MAY 2010)
Histological features of prognostic significance of malignant melanoma (RGUHS MAY 2007)
Pigmented tumors of the skin (RGUHS SEP 2007)
Discuss bullous lesions of skin (RGUHS MAY 2007)
Cutaneous tuberculosis (RGUHS MAY 2007)
Spitz nevus (RGUHS JUNE 2017)
Molecular biopsy and histomorphology of pemphigus (JIPMER OCT 2012)
Markers in melanoma (JIPMER MAR 2013)
Role of immunofluorescence in bullous disorders of skin (JIPMER MAR 2014)
Mycosis fungoides (RGUHS Apr 2007)
Discuss the diagnosis of cutaneous blistering diseases by light microscopy (Manipal Apr 2012)
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