1. A 15 years old male child was admitted with painful, progressively enlarging mass around the left knee joint. X-ray of the knee joint shows mixed lytic mass with Codman triangular and sunburst appearance of the proximal tibial mass which is extending into soft tissue. Laboratory findings are as follows
a. What is the provisional diagnosis and why
b. Describe the pathogenesis of this condition
c. Write the gross and histological subtypes in this condition
d. Labelled microscopic diagram of the lesion
(Answer: Osteosarcoma). ( YSR UHS Jan 2024)
2. A 25 year old man is admitted with swelling of the upper end of tibia. X-ray shows a turn over in the metaphyseal area of tibia with evidence of new bone formation.
a. What is the probable diagnosis/
b. Give the microscopic picture of the turnover with labeled diagram
c. Name the organs where it metastasizes
d. Classify the bone tumors
(Answer: Osteosarcoma) (NTRUHS 2018)
2. A 12 year old boy complained of pain and swelling of knee joint. On x-ray, a tibial metaphyseal lesion invading the cortex and showing periosteal elevation is seen.
a. What is your most probable diagnosis?
b. Describe the etiology of the condition.
c. Describe the gross and microscopy of the condition.
d. Describe the modes of spread of the lesion.
(Answer: Osteosarcoma) (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
3. Classify bone tumors. Describe gross and microscopy of Giant cell tumors of bone. (RGUHS- Jun 2013)
4. Classify bone tumors. Describe gross and microscopy of Osteosarcoma. (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
5. Classify bone tumors. Describe in detail Ostegenic sarcoma. (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Discuss the etiology and morphological changes of pyogenic osteomyelitis (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
Osteosarcoma (YSRUHS, April 2024, NTRUHS May-2006, RGUHS-Jan 2009, Jun 2011, Dec 2013)
Osteomyelitis (NTRUHS Dec 2022, March, 2005)
Write a note on etiology, pathogenesis and clinical features of osteomyelitis (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
Chronic osteomyelitis (MU Pondicherry Nov 2019, RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Morphology of joints in Osteoarthritis (Pondicherry university 2018)
Give the microscopic picture, X ray appearance and spread of osteogenic sarcoma (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
Classify bone tumors give X-ray appearance and microscopic picture of giant cell tumor (NTRUHS July 2017)
Morphology of pyogenic osteomyelitis (NTRUHS March 2010)
Pyogenic osteomyelitis. (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Enlist bone forming tumors. (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Morphology of Osteosarcoma (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Gross appearance of osteogenic sarcoma (NTRUHS July, 2015)
Morphology of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (NTRUHS Jan, 2011)
Giant cell tumor of bone (Osteoclastoma) (NTRUHS Oct 2002, March 2003, 2000, 2008,Oct -2005, RGUHS-Jun 2009,Jun 2010)
Skeletal Ewing’s sarcoma – common sites, X-ray appearance and microscopic picture (NTRUHS Jan 2014)
Ewing sarcoma (NTRUHS May, 2007) (RGUHS- Jan 2008, Jul 2012)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RGUHS- Dec 2012, Dec 2013)
Morphology of Acute rheumatic fever. (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
Gouty arthritis (RGUHS- Dec 2010)
Schwannoma (RGUHS- Jun 2013)
Describe and label the microscopic appearance of giant cell tumor of bone (SVIMS Oct 2021, NTRUHS Jan 2015)
Mention 4 histological subtypes of osteosarcoma (NTRUHS, March 2021)
Osteosarcoma- its common sites , radiological and microscopic findings (NTRUHS Feb 2020, July 2019)
Classify bone tumors. Write the morphology of osteosarcoma (Pondicherry June 2019)
Chondroblastoma (RGUHS Dec 2018)
Callus (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Pagets disease of Bone. (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
Acute osteomyelitis (RGUHS-Dec 2013)
Morphology of pyogenic osteomyelitis. (RGUHS- Dec 2011, AUGUST, 2010, Jun 2009)
Complications of osteomyelitis (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Tuberculous osteomyelitis (NTRUHS October 2004,MAR/APR, 2008)
Pott’s Spine (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
Name 2 malignant tumors of bone (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
Giant cell tumor – common sites and its radiological and microscopic picture. (NTRUHS July, 2014, July 2011, RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Osteosarcoma (NTRUHS September, 2003)
Morphology of Osteosarcoma (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Gross and radiological appearance of Osteogenic sarcoma.(RGUHS- Jan 2008, Jul 2008)
Enumerate the histological types of osteogenic sarcoma. (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Gross and histopathology of Osteochondroma. (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Gouty Tophii ( NTRUHS May-2006, RGUHS- Jan 2008)
Gout (NTRUHS May-2006)
Pathogenesis of Gouty arthritis (RGUHS- Jun 2012)
Micrscopic features of Gout (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Ewing’s Sarcoma ( NTRUHS Nov 2002, April 2004)
Chromosomal translocation seen in synovial sarcoma (RGUHS- Dec 2013)