1. A 50 year old female presented with foul smelling vaginal discharge. Speculum examination revealed an irregular, polyploidy growth in the cervix.
a. What is your diagnosis
b. Describe the etiopathogenesis and morphologic types of the above condition
c. What is the screening protocol followed and how will you classify lesions based on screening         
           (Answer: Carcinoma cervix)                                       (YSRUHS April 2024, SVIMS may 2024)
2. A 55 year female was brought to the outpatient department with history of foul smelling discharge per vagina. On per speculum examination a friable red growth, which bleeds on touch was noted 
  1. What is the provisional diagnosis and why
  2. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of this condition
  3. Describe microscopic picture of this condition
  4. Add a note on screening test
           (Answer: Carcinoma cervix)                                                                                      (NTRUHS Dec 2022)
3. 45 Years female presents with post coital bleeding and foul smelling discharge per vagina. She has swelling inguinal region and weight loss suddenly
    1. What is your diagnosis
    2. What is the etiopathogenesis of this condition
    3. what are the morphological features
(Answer: Carcinoma cervix)                 (Pondicherry university 2019)
4. A 54-year old woman noted a 6-month history of progressive vaginal discharge sometimes blood tinged.  She was 2 years post menopausal and earlier took oral contraceptives for 10 years.  She complains of right back pain and right leg swelling.  The per-speculum examination showed an unhealthy cervix with ulceration
                 a). What is the most likely diagnosis?
                 b). Write two (2) high risk, two (2) low risk microorganism & two (2) social factors associated with this lesion.
                 c). Name the screening tests performed for it
                 d). Describe the preventive measures.                      
(Answer: Carcinoma cervix)              (NTRUHS July, 2014)
 5.   35 year old female has 12 weeks amenorrhoea.  She is married 1 year ago.  On  examination uterus size was larger and  corresponding to 20 weeks gestation.   She complaints of  passing grape like vesicles. Her blood and urine hCG levels are elevated than normal pregnancy.
a) What is the provisional diagnosis
b) Describe gross and microscopic picture of the lesion
c) Discuss its complications.
(Answer: Hydatidiform mole)                (NTRUHS October, 2008)
6) A 55 years old female presented with bleeding per vaginum and white discharge. P/v examination revealed unhealthy indurated and ulcerated cervix
a) What is the probable diagnosis
b) What laboratory test will confirm the diagnosis
c) What is the histopathology of the disease?
(Answer: Carcinoma cervix )                 (NTRUHS March, 2005)
7. Classify ovarian tumors. Describe gross and microscopic features of Dermoid cyst of ovary (RGUHS- Jun 2011)
8. Classify ovarian tumors. Describe gross and microscopy of Choriocarcinoma (RGUHS- Dec 2010)
9. Classify ovarian tumors. Describe the morphological features of surface epithelial tumors. (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
10.Classify ovarian tumors. Describe germ cell tumors (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
  1. Classify ovarian tumors. draw a neat labelled diagram of serous cystadenoma of ovary (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
  2. write a short notes on screening of cervical carcinoma ( NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
  3. Describe gross and microscopy of carcinoma cervix (SVIMS, Oct 2021)
  4. Endometriosis (MU Pondicherry, Nov 2019, RGUHS- Dec 2013)
  5. What are the diagnostic methods of cervical cancer screening? Explain in algorithmic approach from screening to confirmatory method (Pondicherry June 2019)
  6. Pathogenesis of cervical carcinoma (NTRUHS Feb 2019, July 2016)
  7. Teratoma ovary (RGUHS Dec 2018, NTRUHS April, 2000, RGUHS- Jan 2009, Jun 2012)
  8. Endometrial hyperplasias – types and morphology (Pondicherry university 2018)
  9. Benign cystic teratoma of the ovary ( NTRUHS July, 2015)
  10. Endometriosis – Definition, chief locations and histogenesis (NTRUHS Jan., 2014)
  11. Dermoid cyst-ovary  (NTRUHS AUGUST, 2010)
  12. Brenner tumour  (NTRUHS MARCH, 2010)
  13. Dysgerminoma (NTRUHS April, 2000, RGUHS- Dec 2009)
  14. Serous tumors of ovary (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
  15. Morphology of mucinous cystadenoma of ovary (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
  16. Carcinoma cervix (NTRUHS MAR/APR, 2008)
  17. Morphology of hydatidiform mole (RGUHS May, 2007)
  18. Functioning ovarian tumours (RGUHS May-2006)
  19. Endometrial hyperplasia (NTRUHS Oct, 2004)
  20. Leiomyoma of uterus (RGUHS- Dec 2009, Jun 2013)
  21. Hydatidiform mole (RGUHS- Jun 2009, Dec 2013)
  22. Choriocarcinoma (RGUHS-Jan 2009, Jun 2010)
  1. Microscopic picture of mature teratoma (NTRUHS March 2021)
  2. Define and write about sites involved in endometriosis (NTRUHS March 2021)
  3. Draw neat diagram of teratoma ovary (NTRUHS Feb 2020)
  4. Four differences between complete and partial mole (NTRUHS Feb 2019) 
  5. Granulosa cell tumor – Ovary (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  6. Enumerate pathogenic factors of carcinoma cervix (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
  7. Classify of ovarian tumours (NTRUHS July 2017,  Oct/Nov ..2002)
  8. Give the names of four malignant ovarian tumours (NTRUHS July, 2016)
  9. Classify gonadal stromal tumours of ovary and give the hormone secreted by each (NTRUHS Jan, 2016)
  10. What are the pathogenic factors of endometrial cancer (NTRUHS Jan 2016)
  11. Morphology of uterine leoimyoma (NTRUHS Jan 2015)
  12. Hydatidiform mole (NTRUHS July , 2011)
  13. Differences between Hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
  14. Adenomyosis (NTRUHS Jan, 2011)
  15. Endometriosis (NTRUHS August 2009, August, 2010, RGUHS- Dec 2012)
  16. Hormonal changes in endometrium (RGUHS- Dec 2012)
  17. Carcinoma in situ. (NTRUHS Feb, 2009)
  18. Cervical carcinoma-in-situ (NTRUHS May-2006 )
  19. Cervical intra-epithelial neoplasm (CIN) (NTRUHS Oct-2005)(RGUHS- Jan 2009, Jun 2009)
  20. Classification of Cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
  21. Aetiology of Carcinoma Cervix (NTRUHS April ,2004).
  22. Morphology of carcinoma of cervix (RGUHS- Dec 2011)
  23. Choriocarcinoma (NTRUHS Sep, 2003)
  24. Dermoid cyst of the ovary (NTRUHS March,2003)
  25. Teratoma (RGUHS- Jun 2009, Dec 2009)
  26. List four (4) surface epithelial tumors of ovary (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
  27. Mention sex cord stromal tumors of ovary (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
  28. Bartholins cyst (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
  29. Sites of ectopic pregnancy (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
  30. Types of leiomyoma (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
  31. Enumerate types of endometrial hyperplasia (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
  32. Staging of endometrial carcinoma (RGUHS- Jun 2009)