1. A 55 year old male presented with epigastric mass, vomiting and loss of weight. On examination he was anemic and emaciated. He was advised endoscopic biopsy
a. What is the etiology and pathogenesis of gastric carcinoma
b. Discuss the gross and microscopic features of the condition
c. Discuss the clinical course                                                                  (YSRUHS, April 2024)
2. A 72 years old male presented with changes in the bowel habit, bleeding per rectum, loss of weight fatigue and weakness of six months duration. After endoscopic biopsy on colon, a left sided hemicolectomy was done. Answer the following 
              a. What is the probable diagnosis
             b. Describe the etiopathogenesis
             c. Describe the gross and microscopic features of the resected colon
             d. Mention the serological marker which is increased                                  (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
2. A 45 years old female presented with the complaints of vomitting and upper abdominal pain for the last 2 months. History of loss of weight and appettite is also present. O/E abdomen showed ball rolling movements and irregular hard mass in the epigastric region
  • What is diagnosis
  • Discuss in detail about risk factors, gross and microscopic features of the condition
            (Answer: Gastric carcinoma)                        (MU Pondicherry, Nov 2019)
2. A 68 year old male presented with weight loss, changes in bowel habits and vague abdominal discomfort of 5 months duration. Stool examination revealed occult blood. He was also found to have microcytic hypochromic anemia and elevated serum CEA level
    1. what is the most probable diagnosis
    2. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of the condition
    3. Morphology of the affected organ
    4. Laboratory investigations to diagnose the condition
      (Answer: Carcinoma rectum)                 (Pondicherry university 2018)
  1. An elderly male presented with history of bleeding per rectum, altered bowel habits, loss of appettite, loss of weight and crampy lower quadrant discomfort in the abdomen. Hematological evaluation revealed iron deficiency anemia.
                  a. What is your diagnosis
                  b. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of this disease
                  c. Describe the morphology of this lesion                                         
(Answer: Carcinoma Rectum )                                                     (NTRUHS Feb 2017)
2. A 58 years old male labourer presented with history of epigastric pain occurring immediately and sometimes within the hours of taking food. The pain is relieved by vomiting. He had good appetite but afraid to eat and used to take bland diet. There is significant loss of body weight and deep tenderness in the midline of epigastrium     
                a. What is the provisional diagnosis
                b. Discuss the etiopathogenesis
                c. Describe the morphology of the lesion
                d. Mention the complications
                 (Answer : Peptic ulcer in stomach)                                   (NTRUHS Jan 2012) 
3.  A 48 years old male presented with weight loss, anorexia, vomiting and mass in the epigastric region. On                   investigation, he was detected to have rigid, thickened leather bottle stomach and a space occupying lesion in           the liver
               a) What is the probable diagnosis
                b) What are the factors associated with the causation of the condition
                c) Describe the morphology of the organ involved?
                d) Describe the mode of spread                                                                                      
(Answer : Gastric carcinoma – Scirrhous type with liver metastasis (NTRUHS Sep/Oct, 2007)
4.   A 48 years old male was admitted with Acute abdominal pain following a heavy meal. He is an alcoholic.
  1. a) What is the probable diagnosis
  2. b) What important investigations will support your diagnosis
  3. c) What is the pathology in the organ involved
(Answer : Acute pancreatitis)                                                 (NTRUHS October-2005)
5.   A 50 year old businessman complained of burning pain in the upper abdomen and retrosternal region for a long        time. The pain worsened at nights and occurred 3 hours after meals. Pain was relieved with  food.
              a) What is the provisional diagnosis?
              b) What is the aetiopathogenesis?
              c) Describe the pathology
               D) complications.
(Answer : Peptic ulcer in deudenum )                                               (NTRUHS October, 2004)
5.A man developed gradual loss of weight, abdominal pain, anorexia, vomiting. A mass was detected in epigastric region. Stools were positive for occult blood. There is a firm lymphnodal mass in left supraclavicular region and another nodule in the peri umbilical region.
  1. What is your probable diagnosis?
  2. What is the etio-pathogenesis and pathology of the organ involved?
(Answer: Gastric carcinoma with metastatic deposits)                            (RGUHS- Jun 2011)
6.What are inflammatory bowel diseases? Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis, pathology and complications of Crohn’s disease. (RGUHS  Dec 2009)
7.Define peptic ulcer. Discuss the pathogenesis and morphology of peptic ulcer.                     (RGUHS Jan 2009)
8.Describe the etiology, pathogenesis and morphology of carcinoma colon.                              (RGUHS Jun 2013)
9. A male aged 45 years complaining of bloody, mucoid diarrhoea for the last three months. he had previous attacks at intervals and tenesmus and colicky lower abdominal pain releived by defecation. he gives history of migratory poly arthritis and urinary tract infections.
    a. what is the probable diagnosis
    b. what are the pathological lesions in the organ affected
    c. what are the investigation to confirm diagnosis
(Answer: Inflammatory Bowel Disease)                                                                                              (NTRUHS )


  1. Differentiate between Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis (SVIMS Dec 2024, May 2024, Pondicherry June 2019, NTRUHS 2018, RGUHS Jan 2009, Jun 2009)
  2. What is inflammatory bowel disease. Discuss any one type in detail (NTRUHS Dec 2022)
  3. Describe gross and microscopy of Crohn disease (SVIMS Oct 2021, RGUHS Jun 2010)
  4. Crohn’s disease (MU Pondicherry Nov 2019, NTRUHS August, 2009)
  5. Polyps of intestine (MU Pondicherry, Nov 2019)
  6. Morphological features and complications of ulcerative colitis (NTRUHS July 2019)
  7. Pathogenesis and morphology of Peptic ulcer disease (Pondicherry June 2019)
  8. Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (NTRUHS Feb 2019)
  9. Ulcerative colitis (RGUHS Dec 2018, NTRUHS March 2005, May 2006, 2007)
  10. Carcinoid tumor (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  11. Give the clinical and biochemical features of carcinoid syndrome (NTRUHS 2018)
  12. Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcer (NTRUHS Feb 2018) 
  13. Pathogenesis of peptic ulcer (NTRUHS July 2017, RGUHS Dec 2013)
  14. Gastric carcinoma – location, types and metastasis (NTRUHS Jan, 2016)
  15. Etiopathogenesis of carcinoma stomach (NTRUHS Jan 2015)
  16. What are the causes of peptic ulcer, write its morphology and complications? (NTRUHS July/Aug 2014)
  17. Acute pancreatitis (NTRUHS October, 2008)
  18. Morphology of chronic gastric ulcer. (NTRUHS October, 2008)
  19. Acute Pancreatitis (NTRUHS Sept/Oct, 2007)
  20. Amoebiasis (NTRUHS May 2006)
  21. Gross and histologic classification of gastric carcinoma (NTRUHS April 2004, RGUHS, July 2008)
  22. Primary Malabsorption syndromes (NTRUHS Sept 2003 )
  23. Acute Pancreatitis (NTRUHS Sep, 2003)
  24. Pre cancerous lesions of G.I.T. (NTRUHS Oct 2002)
  25. Acute Pancreatitis (NTRUHS 2002)
  26. Crohn’s disease (NTRUHS Oct 2002, RGUHS, July 2008)
  27. Staging of colorectal carcinoma (RGUHS , Jan 2008)
  28. Hirschsprungs Disease (RGUHS- Dec 2012)
  29. Barretts Oesophagus (RGUHS-Dec 2012)
  30. Describe the etiopathogenesis and morphology of Gastric carcinoma (RGUHS-Jun 2012)
  31. Carcinoid tumors (RGUHS-Dec 2011)
  32. Morphology of ulcerative colitis (RGUHS Jan 2008, Jun 2011)
  33. Meckel’s Diverticulum (RGUHS Jun 2010)
  34. Juvenile Polyposis- Colon (RGUHS-Jun 2009)
  35. Precancerous lesions of gastrointestinal system (RGUHS Jun 2010)
  36. Neoplastic polyps – intestine (RGUHS Dec 2010)
  37. Barretts Oesophagus (RGUHS Jun 2008)
  38. Factors associated with gastric cancer (RGUHS Jun 2009)
  39. Adenoma- carcinoma sequence (RGUHS Jun 2009)
  40. Early Gastric Carcinoma (RGUHS Jun 2009)
  41. Classify polyps of Gastrointestinal tract (RGUHS Dec 2009)
  42. Gross and microscopy of gastric ulcer (RGUHS Jul 2008,Dec 2009)
  43. Pathology of ileum in typhoid ulcer (RGUHS Jul 2009)
  1. Barrett’s oesophagus.(NTRUHS Feb 2019, May 2006, March 2008, Feb, 2009, RGUHS Dec 2010, Jun 2012 )
  2. Hirschsprung disease (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  3. 4 Complications of peptic ulcer (NTRUHS July , 2016)
  4. What are the four precancerous lesions of large intestine? (NTRUHS Jan, 2016)
  5. Microscopic appearance of peptic ulcer (NTRUHS July, 2015, RGUHS-Dec 2013)
  6. Four differences between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (NTRUHS July, 2015)
  7. Morphology of Amoebic colitis ( NTRUHS Jan., 2014)
  8. Chronic Gastric ulcer ( NTRUHS July, 2011)
  9. Various sites of chronic peptic ulcer. (NTRUHS March , 2010)
  10. Microscopic picture of chronic gastric ulcer (NTRUHS May-2006 )
  11. Complications of Gastric Ulcer (NTRUHS March, 2005 )
  12. Crohn disease (NTRUHS March ,2003, RGUHS July 2008, Jun 2010)
  13. Components of Peutz – Jeghers syndrome (RGUHS-July 2008,Dec 2011)
  14. Name various sites of chronic peptic ulcer
  15. Adenoma- carcinoma sequence (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
  16. Helicobactor pylori (RGUHS June 2013)
  17. What are Skip lesions? (RGUHS-Jun 2012)
  18. Microscopic appearance of Benign gastric ulcer (RGUHS-Dec 2011)
  19. Staging of colorectal carcinoma (RGUHS Jan 2008)
  20. Gross appearance of Peptic ulcer (RGUHS Jun 2011)
  21. Differences between benign and malignant gastric ulcer (RGUHS Jun 2010)
  22. Etiology of Colo rectal carcinoma (RGUHS Jun 2010)
  23. Name the non neoplastic intestinal polyps (RGUHS Jun 2009)
  24. Meckel’s Diverticulum (RGUHS Jun 2009)
  25. Classification of gastric carcinoma (RGUHS Jun 2008, Dec 2009)
  26. Typhoid ulcer (RGUHS Dec 2009)
  27. Gross morphology of ulcerative colitis (RGUHS Dec 2009)
  28. List complications of peptic ulcer (RGUHS Jan 2009)
  29. Etiology of esophageal cancer (RGUHS Jul 2008)