Define anemia, classify anemia. Discuss etiopathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
A 32 year old women came with complaints of easy fatigue and weakness. On examination she has pallor and spoon shaped nails and normal total WBC counts.
a. What is probable diagnosis
b. Enumerate on pathogenesis of the diagnosis
c. Peripheral smear findings of the condition
(Answer: Iron deficiency anemia) (YSRUHS, April 2024)
2. A 20 years old male presented with swelling of both knees and pain for the past one week. He gives history of similar episodes earlier. He also gives history of excessive bleeding after minor injuries. His maternal uncle has a smilar complaints and has been treated by repeated blood transfusions following excessive bleeding episodes .
a. What are possible differential diagnosis
b. What are the laboratory investigations required for the diagnosis
c. What is the etiopathogenesis of this disorders
d. How will you make the final specific diagnosis
(Answer : Haemophilia ) (RGUHS Feb 2023, NTRUHS July 2016)
3. Classify hemolytic anemias. Write in detail pathogenesis and morphology of sickle cell anemia. What are the lab investigations to ascertain the diagnosis (MU June 2019)
4. A 55 year old lady presented with progressive fatigue and tiredness for last one month. She also complained of tingling and numbness in the lower limbs. on examination she had pallor and her tongue had a glossy appearance.
What is your diagnosis
What is the cause for neurological symptoms in this condition
What are the peripheral smear and bone marrow findings in this condition
Which specific tests would you like to do to diagnose this condition (Megaloblastic anemia; NTRUHS Feb 2019)
5. Define anemia and mention the etio-pathological classification. Discuss the peripheral blood and bone marrow findings in megaloblastic anemia (RGUHS Dec 2018)
6. One year old child is admitted with increasing pallor since the age of 2 months. on examination there is pallor and hepatosplenomegaly. Hb-7.2gm%, TLC and DC are within normal limits. platelets are normal
a. What is probable diagnosis
b. How do you classify the disease group
c. What is the blood picture in the disease
d. Give the clinical picture of the disease
(Hemolytic Anemia : Thalassemia) (Dr. NTRUHS Jan 2016)
7. A 3 year old child presented with pallor growth retardation and history of repeated blood transfusions. The child is having splenomegaly and mild jaundice. There is malocclusion of jawswith skull x-ray showing “Hair on end (Crew cut)” appearance.
a. What is the most probable diagnosis
b.Describe various laboratory investigations to establish the diagnosis
c. Discuss the pathogenesis of the disorder
(Answer : Thalassemia) (NTRUHS July 2012)
8. A 30 year old pregnant lady who cherishes to eat food prepared by boiling, steaming and frying presented with anemia, glossitis, mild icterus, history of diarrhea, loss of appetite and lack of well being . No evidence of nervous system manifestations. Her serum Homocysteine (HCSY) levels are elevated but not methylmalonic acid levels.
a. What is the provisional diagnosis
b. Describe the peripheral blood and bone marrow picture
c. Discuss the special tests in diagnosis
(Answer : Megaloblastic anemia- Folic acid deficiency) (NTRUHS March 2010)
9. 35 year old female presented with anemia, glossitis and neurological manifestations
a. What is your provisional diagnosis
b. What are the laboratory investigations you do in this case
c. How do you confirm the diagnosis
(Answer : Megaloblastic anemia, B12 deficiency) (NTRUHS April 2009)
10. A 30 year old female presented with anemia, loss of sensation and tingling in the feet. Examination showed smooth tongue with atrophic papillae.
a. What is the probable diagnosis
b. What is the deficiency in this condition
c. Describe the peripheral blood picture and bone marrow picture
(Answer : Megaloblastic anemia- B12 deficiency) (NTRUHS October 2005)
11. 25 years old female with the h/o 4 months Amenorrhoea complaining of mild jaundice, anemia and glossitis. Discuss the causes and investigation to come to diagnosis
(Answer : Pernicious anemia) (NTRUHS April 2003)
12. A young boy came with the history of massive hemorrhage after trauma, recurrent haemarthrosis in large joints, muscle hematomas and progressive deformities leading to crippling. Some of the family members also suffered with identical clinical manifestations
a. What is the provisional diagnsosis
b. Discuss the various laboratory investigations to confirm the diagnosis
(Answer : Hemophilia) (NTRUHS August 2010)
13. A male child presented with recurrent painful haemarthrosis and haematomas. History of bleeding in male relatives on the maternal side of the family was available.
a. What is the probable diagnosis
b. Describe the inheritance of this disease
c. Mention the complications following the therapy.
(Answer : Hemophilia)
14. A 13 year old boy came to the hospital with painful left elbow following mild trauma few days ago. Past history of bleeding gums given. His elder brother also had similar problem
a. What is probable diagnosis
b. What important investigaions should be done
c. What is the confirmatory tests
(Answer : Hemophilia) (NTRUHS April 2005)
15. 20 years old young man came with the history of massive hemorrhage after trauma, recurrent haemarthrosis, progressive deformities leading to crippling with same type manifestations in some family members.
a. What is the probable diagnosis
b. Mention various laboratory investigations with findings to make a final diagnosis
(Answer : Hemophilia) (NTRUHS September 2003)
16. Classify hemolytic anemias. Write the pathogenesis and morphology of sickle cell anemia (RGUHS, Jan 2008, Jul 2008, Jan 2009, Dec 2011, December 2013)
17. Classify hemolytic anemias. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Thalassemias (RGUHS- Dec 2012)
18. Classify hemolytic anemias. Discuss in detail about beta Thalassemia (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
19. Enumerate the causes of hemolytic anemias. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of hemolytic anemia in general (RGUHS- Jan 2008, Jun 2010)
20. Define anemia. Give the aetiologic classification of anemias. Discuss causes, the peripheral blood smear and list the laboratory investigations in iron deficiency anemia (RGUHS- Jul 2008, Jun 2011, Jun 2013, Dec 2013)
21. Classify anemia. Write in detail about megaloblastic anemia (RGUHS- Jul 2009, Dec 2009)
22. Describe and classify purpuras. Describe the etiology, hematological features, clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) (RGUHS- Dec 2010)
A 24 month male child presented with pallor slow growth and facial bone deformities to the paediatric OPD. X-ray of skull shows crew cut appearance. what is the clinical diagnosis, discuss about the molecular genetics, lab diagnosis including peripheral smear findings (Answer: Thalassemia SVIMS, Dec 2024)
Define and classify anemia according to aetiology (RGUHS Feb 2023)
Peripheral smear and bone marrow picture in megaloblastic anemia (RGUHS Feb 2023, Pondicherry university June 2019)
Blood and bone marrow picture in Megaloblastic anemia (NTRUHS Dec 2022, March 2021)
Describe the etiology and laboratory diagnosis of hereditory spherocytosis (SVIMS, Oct 2021)
Immune thrombocytopenia (NTRUHS, March 2021)
Tabulate the differences between iron deficiency anemia and Thalassemia major (NTRUHS Feb 2020)
Classify bleeding disorders. Give lab diagnosis of Hemophilia A (NTRUHS Feb 2020)
Classification of anemias and lab diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia (DR NTRUHS July 2019)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DR NTRUHS July 2019)
Investigations for bleeding diathesis in adults (Pondicherry university June 2019)
What is the major and minor cross matching in blood transfusion and its clinical utility (Pondicherry university June 2019)
Bombay blood group (Pondicherry university 2018)
Von Willebrand Disease (Pondicherry university 2018, RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Lab diagnosis of Iron deficiency anemia (Pondicherry University 2018)
Packed cell volume (Pondicherry University 2018)
Blood and bone marrow picture in Iron deficiency anemia (NTRUHS 2018)
Laboratory investigations in a case of Hereditary spherocytosis (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
Differences between Haemophilia A and Von willebrand disease (NTRUHS July 2017)
Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia (NTRUHS Jan 2015, RGUHS- Dec 2009, Jun 2010)
Bone marrow picture of megaloblastic anemia (NTRUHS July 2016)(RGUHS- Jun 2010,Dec 2013)
Megaloblastic anemia (RGUHS- Jun 2008)
Megaloblast (RGUHS- Jun 2008)
What is the blood picture in Vit.B12 deficiency anemia (NTRUHS Jan 2016)
Aplastic anemia (RGUHS- Jan 2008, Jan 2009)
Abnormalities of shape of red blood cells. (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
Polycythemia vera (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
Sickle cell anemia (RGUHS- Jun 2008)
Pathogenesis of sickle cell anemia (RGUHS- July 2008)
Laboratory diagnosis of Sickle cell anemia (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Hereditary Spherocytosis (RGUHS- Jun 2009, Dec 2010, Jul 2012)
Various methods of hemoglobin estimation (RGUHS- Jul 2012)
Classification of hemolytic anemia (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Lab diagnosis of Hemolytic anemia (RGUHS- Jul 2012)
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Pancytopenia (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Packed cell volume (PCV) – definition, methods of estimation and significance (RGUHS- Jul 2008, Jan 2008)
Pernicious anemia (RGUHS- Jun 2013)
Enlist causes of thrombocytopenia. Discuss Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (RGUHS- Dec 2012)
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (RGUHS- Jan 2008, Jan 2009, Dec 2013)
Hemophilia (RGUHS- Dec 2009, Jun 2011, Dec 2013)
Clinical presentation and lab diagnosis of Von Willebrand Disease (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Methods of blood grouping (RGUHS- Jun 2013)
Cross matching (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
Screening of blood unit before transfusion (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
Blood transfusion reactions (RGUHS- Jul 2012)
Coomb’s test (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Mandatory serological tests in screening of blood donors (RGUHS Feb 2023)
Immediate complications of blood transfusion (RGUHS Feb 2023)
Give two tests to diagnose Von Willebrands disease (NTRUHS Feb 2020, 2018)
Give four diagnostic tests for sickle cell anemia (NTRUHS 2018)
Laboratory investigations in a case of idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
Mention four haemoglobinopathies seen in India (NTRUHS July 2017)
Classify hemolytic anemias (NTRUHS July 2017)
Laboratory Diagnosis Of Iron Deficiency Anaemia. (NTRUHS Jan 2015)
Name two special stains for reticulocytes and two causes for reticulocytosis (NTRUHS Jan 2014)
Erythropoietin. (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Peripheral smear findings in Iron deficiency anemia. (RGUHS- Jul 2012)
Causes of microcytic hypochromic anemia. (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Hemoglobin values at different ages. (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Various methods of hemoglobin estimation. (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Peripheral Smear And Bone Marrow Picture In Megaloblastic Anemia
Hypersegmented Neutrophil (RGUHS- Jun 2009, Dec 2011)
Megaloblast. (NTRUHS May, 2007)
List differences between normoblast and megaloblast. (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Schilling test (RGUHS, Dec 2013)
Name Four Inherited HaemolyticAnaemias (NTRUHS July, 2015)
Classification Of Hemolytic Anemia And Lab Diagnosis Of Β Thalassemia Major. (NTRUHS July 2014)
Βeta Thalassemia (RGUHS- Jun 2008)
Blood picture of Thalassemia (RGUHS- Jul 2012)
Enlist laboratory findings in hemolytic anemia (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
Peripheral smear findings in microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (RGUHS- Jun 2013)
Significance of Hemoglobin electrophoresis in anemias (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
What is Reticulocyte- morphology and staining method (NTRUHS Feb 2009) (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Significance of reticulocytes (RGUHS- Jun 2013)
Name Two (2) Special Stains For Reticulocytes And Two (2) Causes Of Reticulocytosis (NTRUHS Jan, 2014)
Peripheral blood picture in Sickle cell anemia (RGUHS)
Sickling Test (NTRUHS August, 2009) (RGUHS-Jul 2012)
Enumerate tests for sickling in sickle cell anemia (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Give four (4) examples of Poikilocytes (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Oval macrocytes (RGUHS-Jun 2010)
Spherocytes (RGUHS-Dec 2011)
Haemoparasites (RGUHS Dec 2013)
Mention three hemoparasites (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
Significance of hemoglobin Electrophoresis in anemias (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
What are Romanowsky stains (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
RBC Indices (RGUHS- Jun 2011, Dec 2013)
Mean corpuscular volume(MCV). Mention its normal value (RGUHS- Dec 2009, Jun 2013, Dec 2013)
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Basophilic stippling (RGUHS Dec 2013)
Pathological causes of Polycythemia (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Four (4) causes of Aplastic anemia (RGUHS- Jun 2008)
Four (4) causes of thrombocytopenia (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Bleeding time (Oct 2005)
Immune thrombocytopenia (May 2003)
Hemophilia (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Von Willebrand Disease ( NTRUHS Jan, 2015, July, 2011)
Prothrombin Time (NTRUHS- Sept/Oct, 2007)
Describe clot retraction time (RGUHS- Dec 2010)
Name some anticoagulants used in the laboratory (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Mention 3 anticoagulants along with mode of action (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Mode of action of anticoagulants
Two (2) uses of trisodium citrate as an anti coagulant in hematology (RGUHS- Dec 2010)
Bombay Blood Group (RGUHS- Jan 2009,Dec 2012)
Pretransfusion tests (RGUHS- Jun 2008)
Significance of cross matching and different methods of crossmatching (RGUHS- Dec 2010)
Name 4 blood components separated from whole blood and mention one clinical use for each
Plasmapheresis (RGUHS- Jul 2012)
Enumerate transfution reactions (RGUHS- Jun 2011, Dec 2013)
Mention diseases transmitted by blood transfusion (RGUHS- Dec 2009, Jun 2010)
Four (4) important blood transfusion transmitted infectious diseases. (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Coomb’s test (RGUHS- Jan 2008, Dec 2013)