The Endocrines UG

  1. A 35 year old man with history of repeated urinary tract infection on routine evaluation was found to have fasting plasma glucose level of 187mg/dl and HbA1c (Glycosylated hemoglobin) levels of 7.2% and clinically diagnosed as Diabetes mellitus
a. Classify the condition under study
b. Describe the etiological factors
c. Discuss the pathogenesis of the condition
d. Describe the morphology of the organ changes in the condition                                    (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
  1. Discuss the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Mention its major long term complications. (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
  2. Enumerate non- neoplastic lesions of thyroid. Discuss Hashimoto Thyroiditis (RGUHS- Jun 2008)
  1. Complications of Diabetes mellitus (YSRUHS April 2024)
  2. Classify Diabetes mellitus and add a note on late complications of diabetes mellitus (NTRUHS, Dec 2022)
  3. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid (NTRUHS Dec 2022, Feb2020, RGUHS-Jun 2009, Jun 2010, Dec 2013)
  4. Write a brief note on Cushings syndrome (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
  5. Skeletal manifestation of hyperparathyroidism (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
  6. Write about the pathogenesis and complications of diabetes mellitus (NTRUHS, March 2021)
  7. Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) (MU Pondicherry, Nov 2019)
  8. Pathology, morphology and clinical features of Graves diseases (Pondicherry June 2019) 
  9. Pathogenesis of Insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  10. Multinodular Goitre (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  11. Classify Diabetes mellitus and pathogenesis of type I diabetes (Pondicherry university 2018)
  12. Solitary nodules in thyroid (Pondicherry university 2018)
  13. Name the thyroid tumors and indicate their route of spread (NTRUHS 2018)
  14. Give four microscopic features of diabetic kidney (NTRUHS 2018)
  15. Name the types of renal lesions in diabetic nephropathy and describe the histology of glomerular lesions (NTRUHS Jan 2014)
  16. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. (NTRUHS July 2011,March 2003, RGUHS- Jul 2008, Jan 2009, Dec 2010, Dec 2011, Jun 2013)
  17. Morphology of pheochromocytoma. (NTRUHS March, 2010)
  18. Etiopathogenesis of type I Diabetes Mellitus (RGUHS- Jun 2011)
  19. Name the types of Diabetes mellitus (RGUHS)
  20. Complications of diabetes mellitus (NTRUHS Feb, 2009)
  21. Renal complications of diabetes mellitus/ Diabetic nephropathy (RGUHS- Jun 2008, Jan 2009, Jun 2009, Jun 2012, Dec 2013)
  22. Tumors of thyroid (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
  23. Microscopic types of Thyroid cancer (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
  24. Mention the major subtypes of carcinoma of thyroid. Write a note on genetic alterations in follicular cell derived malignancies of thyroid (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
  25. Histopathology of Papillary carcinoma of thyroid.(RGUHS- Jun 2009)
  26. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid.(NTRUHS Feb 2009, RGUHS- Dec 2009)
  27. Graves disease (NTRUHS May, 2007)
  28. Pathogenesis of Grave’s disease (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
  29. Thyroid adenoma (NTRUHS October,2004)
  30. Microscopy of thyroid adenoma (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
  31. Toxic goiter (NTRUHS Nov 2002)
  32. Iodine deficiency goiter (RGUHS- Dec 2012)
  33. Morphology of Multi nodular goiter (RGUHS- Jan 2008, Jan 2009)
  34. Primary hyperplasia of thyroid (10th October, 2000)
  35. Thyroid function tests (RGUHS- Jun 2009, Oct 2008, Oct 2007)
  36. Neuroblastoma (NTRUHS April, 2000)
  37. Cushing’s syndrome (NTRUHS  April, 2000, RGUHS- Jun 2009, Jun 2011)
  1. Hashimotos thyroiditis (SVIMS, Oct 2021, NTRUHS July 2017,  May 2006)(RGUHS- Jan 2009)
  2. Microscopic patterns of follicular adenoma thyroid (NTRUHS July 2019, Jan 2016)
  3. Pathogenesis of Hashimotos thyroiditis (NTRUHS Feb 2019)
  4. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid.(RGUHS- Dec 2018,  Dec 2009, Dec 2010)
  5. Psammoma bodies (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  6. Microscopic appearance of papillary carcinoma of thyroid (NTRUHS July 2016, RGUHS- Jun 2010)
  7. Name 3 causes of primary hyperparathyroidism and one cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism (NTRUHS Jan 2015)
  8. Classify thyroid malignancies (RGUHS- Jun 2012)
  9. Name four malignant tumours of the thyroid (NTRUHS July, 2015)
  10. Microscopic picture of thyroid in Graves disease (NTRUHS Jan, 2014)
  11. Four clinical features of primary hyper-parathyroidism (NTRUHS Jan, 2011)
  12. Osteitis fibrosacystica.(NTRUHS Aug, 2009)
  13. Morphology of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (NTRUHS MAY-2006)
  14. Oncocytic change (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
  15. Phaeochromocytoma (NTRUHS May 2006)
  16. Pathogenesis of Grave’s disease (NTRUHS APRIL/MAY,2004)
  17. Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid (NTRUHS September, 2003)
  18. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) (RGUHS- Dec 2011)
  19. Pathogenesis of type II Diabetes Mellitus (RGUHS- Dec 2011)
  20. List renal changes in Diabetes (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
  21. List four (4) causes of Cushing’s syndrome  (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
  22. Enumerate 4 types of pituitary adenoma (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
  23. List complications of Diabetes mellitus (RGUHS- Jul 2008)

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