1. A 56 year old male patient is admitted with swelling of eyelids and puffiness of face. He is a known case of chronic bronchiectasis for last 6 years. He has been advised a kidney biopsy
What is the most likely diagnosis
What are the gross and microscopic findings in kidney in this disease
Classify the disease
Name the special stains for diagnosis
(Answer : Nephrotic syndrome secondary to Amyloidosis which is consequence of chronic disease i.e, bronchiectasis) (NTRUHS 2020)
2. Describe in detail about pathogenesis, diagnosis and clinical features of post streptococcal Glomerulonephritis (MU Pondicherry Nov 2019)
3. An 8 year old boy came with history of puffiness of face with decreased urine output. His urine examination revealed numerous RBCs with mild proteinuria. Renal biopsy was performed which showed glomerular hypercellularity with neutrophils.
a. What is your diagnosis
b. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory findings in this condition
c. What are the features on immunofluorescence and electron microscopy
( Answer: Nephritic Syndrome) (NTRUHS 2019)
4. A 40 year old female patient presented with clinical manifestations of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, generalised edema with hyperlipidemia and lipiduria
a) What is the provisional diagnosis?
b) Mention the causes of this syndrome.
c) Discuss the pathophysiology of the same.
(Answer : Nephrotic syndrome) (NTRUHS Aug 2009)
5. A 8 year old boy was admitted with malaise, fever, oliguria, coco cola-coloured Urine 2 weeks after recovery from sore throat. On examination, he was found to have peri orbital oedema & moderate hypertension
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Describe the aetio pathogenesis of the condition?
c) What is the morphology of the organ?
(Answer: Nephritic syndrome) (NTRUHS Mar 2008)
6. A 60 years old male having fever and weight loss presented with painless haematuria, flank pain and palpable mass in the left renal angle. CT scan confirmed a specific organ mass lesion, regional lymphnodes and renal vein involvement. Chest radiograph showed pulmonary “cannon ball” secondaries and his PCV is of 60%
a. What is the provisional diagnosis
b.Discuss the etiopathogenesis of the lesion
c.Describe its morphology
d.Mention various paraneoplastic syndromes produced by this lesion
(Answer: Renal cell carcinoma) (NTRUHS Jan 2013)
7. A 50year old male presented with facial puffiness and proteinuria 5mg/day. His serum albumin was found to be 2mg/dl. His urine showed fat globules.
a. What is your diagnosis.
b. Discuss in detail the causes of this clinical syndrome. Answer: Nephrotic syndrome (RGUHS)
8. What is nephrotic syndrome? Mention the causes of nephrotic syndrome and describe the microscopic features of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
9. Classify Glomerulonephritis. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Describe the light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopic findings of same. (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
10. Classify tumors of kidney and describe the morphology of Renal cell carcinoma. (RGUHS- Dec 2011)
Describe the light microscopic, electron microscopic and immunofluorescence findings of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
Renal Cell Carcinoma (YSRUHS, April 2024, RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Pyelonephritis (YSRUHS, April 2024)
Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis (NTRUHS Dec 2022)
Enlist the causes of crescentic glomerulonephritis and explain the pathogenesis and morphology ( NTRUHS Feb 2022, Pondicherry June 2019)
Types and morphology of Renal cell carcinoma (NTRUHS July 2019, RGUHS Dec 2018)
Give causes of Crescent formation. Give gross and microscopic picture of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
Chronic Pyelonephritis.(NTRUHS May 2007, Feb 2009, July 2011, RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Gross and microscopic picture of chronic pyelonephritis (NTRUHS July 2017, May-2006 )
Etiopathologenesis of Chronic Pyelonephritis (NTRUHS Jan 2015, RGUHS- Dec 2011)
Classification of glomerular diseases (NTRUHS Oct 2002)
Etiopathogenesis and pathology of membranous glomerulonephritis (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Morphology of minimal lesion glomerulonephritis (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
Minimal change glomerulonephritis (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
Nephrotic syndrome (RGUHS- Dec 2012)
Acute nephritic syndrome (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Definition and causes of Nephritic syndrome (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Kidney lesions in hypertension (NTRUHS Sep 2007, Jan 2016, RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Malignant nephrosclerosis (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Chronic contracted granular kidney (MARCH, 2010)
End stage kidney (RGUHS,Jan 2008)
Name the types of Renal lesions in Diabetic Nephropathy and describe the histology of glomerular lesions (NTRUHS Jan 2014)
Diabetic kidney (NTRUHS Oct 2005)
Renal changes in Diabetes Mellitus (NTRUHS Oct 2004)
Renal stones (NTRUHS Oct 2002 )
Types &Etiopathogenesis of renal calculi (RGUHS- Jan 2009, Dec 2009, Jun 2011)
Renal dysplasia (NTRUHS Jan 2011)
Morphology of renal cell carcinoma (NTRUHS July , 2016)
Wilms’ tumour ( NTRUHS May 2006, Oct 2008, July 2013) (RGUHS- Jun 2012)
Nephroblastoma (NTRUHS April 2000).
Describe renal changes in diabetes mellitus (SVIMS Oct 2021)
Mention four microscopic features of chronic pyelonephritis (NTRUHS, March 2021)
Urine findings in Acute Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis (RGUHS Dec 2018)
Name renal function tests. (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Uremia and azotemia (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
Morphology of chronic pyelonephritis. (RGUHS- Dec 2009, Dec 2010)
What is thyroidisation? (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Classification of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
Give the gross and morphologic picture of proliferative glomerulonephritis (NTRUHS Jan, 2016)
Morphology of Kidney in Acute Post streptococcal Glomerulonephritis. (NTRUHS July, 2014)(RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Etiology of crescentic glomerulonephritis (RGUHS- Jan 2008)
Nephrotic syndrome (RGUHS- Jun 2008, Jan 2009)
Causes of Nephritic syndrome (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Microscopic appearance of nodular glomerulosclerosis. (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Gross pathology of kidneys in benign and malignant nephrosclerosis (NTRUHS Jan 2012)
Causes of flea bitten kidney (RGUHS- Jun 2010)
Kimmelsteiel – Wilson lesion (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
Renal stones (NTRUHS Sep 2003, April 2009)
Types of renal stones. (RGUHS- Jun 2010, Dec 2010)
Stag horn calculus (NTRUHS Oct, 2004)(RGUHS- Jan 2009, Jun 2009)
Cystic diseases of the kidney (RGUHS- Jun 2012)
Adult polycystic kidney disease. (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
Differences between Adult and infantile polycystic diseases (NTRUHS March,2003)
Medullary sponge kidney (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Causes of large white kidney (RGUHS- Jul 2008)
Wilms Tumour (NTRUHS March, 2005)
Morphology of Wilms Tumour. (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
What is Malakoplakia? (RGUHS- Jun 2011)
Causes of urinary bladder(urothelial) tumors. (RGUHS- Dec 2009, Jun 2011)
4 causes of hematuria (RGUHS- Dec 2011)
4 causes of hemoglobinuria (RGUHS- Dec 2009)