Discuss apoptosis and differentiate from necrosis (SVIMS, 2024)
Mechanism of ageing and its impact on organ morphology (YSR UHS, Nov 2023)
Significance and differential diagnosis of melanin pigmentation (NTRUHS, June 2023)
Free radicals, their inactivation and significance (NTRUHS, June 2023)
Discuss types of metaplasia and its importance (SVIMS, June 2023)
Describe the effects and removal of free radicals (SVIMS, June 2023)
Describe the signal transduction pathways(NTRUHS Dec 2022)
Discuss the role of oxidative stress in cell injury (NTRUHS Dec 2022)
Discuss connective tissue in health and disease (NTRUHS May 2022)
Types and mechanisms of hypertrophy (NTRUHS Nov 2021)
Growth factors in disease (NTRUHS Nov 2021)
Tensins in health and disease (SVIMS April 2021)
Necroptosis(SVIMS April 2021)
Describe the antioxidant defence mechanism and free radical impact on body (NIMS, April 2021)
Concept of cellular ageing(NIMS, April 2021)
Discuss pigment disorders (NTRUHS, 2018)
Telomerase (RGUHS 2018)
Calcification – types and examples (RGUHS 2018)
Viral inclusions (RGUHS 2018)
Mechanism of apoptosis (NTRUHS Dec 2017, RGUHS May 2017)
Mechnaism of cellular ageing (NTRUHS April 2018, Dec 2017, April 2014, RGUHS Nov 2016, JIPMER 2012)
Describe the physiologic and structural alterations that underlie cellular ageing process (NTRUHS April 2014, Sep 2004)
Describe in detail the mechanism of apoptosis (NTRUHS April 2013, April2011)
Describe the mitochondrial pathway of Apoptosis (NTRUHS April 2010)
Describe the mechanism of Apoptosis and specific examples of Apoptosis (NTRUHS April 2009)
Describe causes and types of pathological calcification. Describe the morphological features in each type (NTRUHS Oct 2013, RGUHS May 2017 )
Explain in detail about normal bone calcification and explain in detail about pathogenesis of pathologic calcification (NTRUHS Nov 2008)
Metastatic calcification (NTRUHS April 2010)
Free radicals in cell injury (RGUHS 2018, NTRUHS April 2013, April 2010, JIPMER MAR 2009,Oct 2015, Oct 2014, Oct 2012)
Cytoskeleton and its abnormalities (NTRUHS April 2014, April 2012, Nov 2010)
Classify cell injuries. Mention the subcellular alterations. Mention about ischemic and free radical injury (NTRUHS Nov 2011)
Telomere (RGUHS 2018, NTRUHS April 2012, RGUHS Oct 2010)
Plasticity of stem cells (NTRUHS Apr 2015)
Role of extracellular matrix in health and disease (NTRUHS April 2014)
Stem cell banking (NTRUHS Oct 2013)
Adult stem cells and transdifferentiation (NTRUHS RA 21)
Discuss in detail pathology of cell injury during ischemia or hypoxia (NTRUHS June 2008)
Cytokeratin immunostaining profile in diagnostic pathology (NTRUHS May 2006, May 2007, JIPMER July 2016)
Describe the mechanism of defects protein folding and its role in disease (NTRUHS April 2009, JIPMER March 2016)
Intermediate filaments (NTRUHS 2007)
Pimary gangrene (NTRUHS Sep2003)
Fat necrosis(NTRUHS Nov 2007)
Tonofilaments (NTRUHS )
Significance of Senescent cells (NTRUHS Apr 2004, Nov 2006)
Discuss the role of electron microscopy in study of cell injury (NTRUHS Sep 1996)
Staining for dividing cells (NTRUHS Apr 1996)
Tensins in health and disease (NTRUHS RA 23)
Discuss apoptosis and differentiate from necrosis (RGUHS May 2018)
Types of necrosis (RGUHS OCT 2010)
Apoptosis and its significance (RGUHS Sep 2007)
Biochemical mechanisms responsible for cell injury (RGUHS Sep 2007)
Discuss the intracellular accumulations and their relation to disease (NTRUHS 2006, RGUHS Sep 200Discuss the significance of Telomeres shortening and cell senescene.Give the various modes of detection and significance of senescent cells in tissues (JIPMER Mar 2016)
Define apoptosis. Discuss the mechanisms of apoptosis .Describe the morphological and biochemical changes in apoptosis (JIPMER July 2016, March 2012, March 2009)
Dysplasia (JIPMER Oct 2015)
Irreversible cell injury (JIPMER March 2009)
Define irreversible cell injury-Give an account of mechanisms and morphological changes in irreversible cell injury (JIPMER March 2011)