Langhan’s giant cell –
Nuclei are arranged either around the periphery in the form of horse shoe or ring or clustered at the two poles of giant cells
They are seen in granulomatous conditions like TB, Syphilis, sarcoidosis, leprosy (mainly TT) type, Leishmaniasis, crohn’s disease
Foreign body giant cells –
Numerous nuclei are randomly scattered throughout the cytoplasm, often aggregating towards the center of cell
They are seen in response to various endogenous and exogenous foreign bodies
Tumor giant cell –
Larger cells having numerous nuclei which are hyperchromatic and pleomorphic
They are formed from dividing nuclei of neoplastic cells
They are seen in Anaplastic carcinoma and high grade sarcomas
Touton giant cells –
Also called as xanthelasmatic giant cells
They small sized cells with a full ring of nuclei with eosinophilic cytoplasm centrally and foamy cytoplasm at periphery
They are seen in lesions with high lipid content, xanthoma, Xanthogranuloma, fat necrosis, dermatofibroma
Osteoclast like giant cell –
They have ruffled cell membrane with multiple bland central nuclei
They are seen in giant cell rich tumors of bone and soft tissue (like giant cell tumor) and in various high grade carcinomas (like pancreatic undifferentiated carcinoma)
Floret cell –
They have scanty cytoplasm and wreath of hyperchromatic peripheral nuclei
They are seen in pleomorphic lipoma, neurofibroma, giant cell angiofibroma rarely in liposarcoma
Warthin Finkeledey giant cell –
They have high N:C ratio crowded & irregular nuclei
They have desmosomes, cilia and thin filaments with dense bodies
They are seen in measles
Tzanck giant cells –
They have bizarre & atypical nucleus which shows peripheral marign of chromatin & a ground glass appearance
These nuclei are crowded together leading to molding of the nuclei shape
They are seen in herpes simplex, varicella & herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus
Starburst giant cell –
They are multinucleated melanocytes with a stellate appearance due to its prominent dendritic process
They are seen in lentigo maligina from photo damaged skin
Reed stern berg tumor or Dorothy reed tumor giant cell –
They are usually binucleated or bilobated so that the two halves appear as mirror images with prominent eosinophilic inclusion like nucleoli resembling “owls eye”
There may be multiple nuclei also
They are seem in hodgkins disease
Balloon cells –
Nuclei are small, round, finely granular or vaculoated often with few small melanin granules
They are seen in Balloon cell nevus, balloon cell melanoma
Aschoff giant cells–
Cytoplasm is more basophilic & contain upto 4 nulcei
They are found in aschoff bodies surrounding centers of fibrinoid necrosis
They are associated with rheumatic heart disease
Multinucleated epidermal giant cell –
They have more than three clumped nuclei
They are formed by epidermal cells in response to various types of inflammation
They are seen in chronic eczema, lichen amyloidosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, erythema multiforme, pustular psoriasis, lichen planus, lupus erythematosus
- Physiologic giant cells:
Skeletal muscle fibres