Giant cells

  1. Langhan’s giant cell
    • Nuclei are arranged either around the periphery in the form of horse shoe or ring or clustered at the two poles of giant cells
    • They are seen in granulomatous conditions like TB, Syphilis, sarcoidosis, leprosy (mainly TT) type, Leishmaniasis, crohn’s disease      
  2. Foreign body giant cells 
    • Numerous nuclei are randomly scattered throughout the cytoplasm, often aggregating towards the center of cell
    • They are seen in response to various endogenous and exogenous foreign bodies  
  3. Tumor giant cell
    • Larger cells having numerous nuclei which are hyperchromatic and pleomorphic
    • They are formed from dividing nuclei of neoplastic cells
    • They are seen in Anaplastic carcinoma and high grade sarcomas   
  4. Touton giant cells
    • Also called as xanthelasmatic giant cells
    • They small sized cells with a full ring of nuclei with eosinophilic cytoplasm centrally and foamy cytoplasm at periphery
    • They are seen in lesions with high lipid content, xanthoma, Xanthogranuloma, fat necrosis, dermatofibroma           
  5. Osteoclast like giant cell
    • They have ruffled cell membrane with multiple bland central nuclei
    • They are seen in giant cell rich tumors of bone and soft tissue (like giant cell tumor) and in various high grade carcinomas (like pancreatic undifferentiated carcinoma)         
  6. Floret cell
    • They have scanty cytoplasm and wreath of hyperchromatic peripheral nuclei
    • They are seen in pleomorphic lipoma, neurofibroma, giant cell angiofibroma rarely in liposarcoma   
  7. Warthin Finkeledey giant cell
    • They have high N:C ratio crowded & irregular nuclei
    • They have desmosomes, cilia and thin filaments with dense bodies
    • They are seen in measles       
  8. Tzanck giant cells
    • They have bizarre & atypical nucleus which shows peripheral marign of chromatin & a ground glass appearance
    • These nuclei are crowded together leading to molding of the nuclei shape
    • They are seen in herpes simplex, varicella & herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus
  9. Starburst giant cell 
    • They are multinucleated melanocytes with a stellate appearance due to its prominent dendritic process
    • They are seen in lentigo maligina from photo damaged skin 
  10. Reed stern berg tumor or Dorothy reed tumor giant cell 
    • They are usually binucleated or bilobated so that the two halves appear as mirror images with prominent eosinophilic inclusion like nucleoli resembling “owls eye”
    • There may be multiple nuclei also
    • They are seem in hodgkins disease   
  11. Balloon cells
    • Nuclei are small, round, finely granular or vaculoated often with few small melanin granules
    • They are seen in Balloon cell nevus, balloon cell melanoma       
  12. Aschoff giant cells
    • Cytoplasm is more basophilic & contain upto 4 nulcei
    • They are found in aschoff bodies surrounding centers of fibrinoid necrosis
    • They are associated with rheumatic heart disease
  13. Multinucleated epidermal giant cell
    • They have more than three clumped nuclei
    • They are formed by epidermal cells in response to various types of inflammation
    • They are seen in chronic eczema, lichen amyloidosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, erythema multiforme, pustular psoriasis, lichen planus, lupus erythematosus         
  14. Physiologic giant cells:
    1. Osteoclast
    2. Odontoclast
    3. Megakaryocyte
    4. Syncytiotrophoblast
    5. Skeletal muscle fibres
