A 45 year old woman presented to the surgical OPD with yellowness in eyes and skin, passage of dark coloured urine and pale stools. She complained of right upper abdominal pain on and off, nausea and vomitting. On USG, radio opaque shadows were seen in Right upper quadrant of abdomen
what is the most likely diagnosis
what investigations would be appropriate
what is etiopathogenesis of this lesion
what are the complications of the disease
(Answer: Gall stones leading to obstructive jaundice) (NTRUHS July 2019)
2. Define and classify cirrhosis. Discuss the pathology and complications of Alcoholic cirrhosis (RGUHS Dec 2018)
3. A 43 year old male, chronic alcoholic dies after a bout of profuse hematemesis
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) Desribe the morphological changes in the target organ involved
c) Write the sequential events that have lead to death
(Answer: Cirrhosis with portal hypertension leading to bleeding from oesophageal varices )(NTRUHS Jan, 2011)
4. A 50 year old chronic alcoholic was admitted with distended abdomen and hematemesis. He appears emaciated and has altered sensorium
a) What is the provisional diagnosis
b) What is the gross and microscopic picture of the involved organ
c) Mention the complications
(Answer : Cirrhosis causing portal hypertension leading to Ascites, bleeding from esophageal varices and hepatic encephalopathy )(NTRUHS MAY-2006)
5. A 50 year old chronic alcoholic developed ascites with history of repeated bouts of hematemesis and bleeding from rectum, admitted with coma and died. Scan showed shrunken liver and splenomegaly
a) What is the probable diagnosis
b) Mention the reasons in support of your diagnosis
c) Describe the pathology of liver and spleen.
(Answer : Cirrhosis causing portal hypertension leading to Ascites, bleeding from esophageal varices and hepatic encephalopathy) (NTRUHS April ,2004)
6. Briefly describe the etiologic agents of Chronic viral hepatitis. Discuss in detail the morphology of Chronic Hepatitis. (RGUHS Dec 2013)
7. Classify Viral hepatitis. Describe the structure, course of disease & serological markers for hepatitis B virus. (RGUHS Dec 2012)
8. A male aged 52 years developed gradual weakness, anorexia, weight loss. He has ascites, splenomegaly, jaundice, spider angiomas on skin and gynaecomastia. Over time he developed behavioural abnormalities, stupor and slipped into coma. There is history of chronic alcoholism.
a. What is the probable diagnosis.
b. Discuss etiopathogenesis, pathology and complications
(Answer : Cirrhosis causing portal hypertension leading to Ascites and hepatic encephalopathy) (RGUHS Dec 2011)
9. Define and classify Cirrhosis. Write the gross and microscopic appearance of Alcoholic cirrhosis.List complications of cirrhosis (RGUHS Jan 2009,Jun 2009, Dec 2009)
10. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of cholelithiasis. Describe the morphology of different kinds of Gall stones.List the complications. (RGUHS June 2009)
11. Describe the aetiopathogenesis and pathology of Alcoholic liver disease (RGUHS Jun 2009)
Describe the role of serological markers in hepatitis B virus infection (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
A 55 year old chronic alcoholic presented with mild jaundice, edema and distension of edema
What is the probable diagnosis
Write in brief about the pathology of liver in this patient and the complications of the disease (SVIMS, April 2024)
Classification of cirrhosis (YSRUHS, April 2024)
Types of Gall bladder stones (YSRUHS, April 2024)
Pathology and morphology of cirrhosis liver (NTRUHS Dec, 2022)
Elaborate about primary biliary cholangitis (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
Histopathology of cirrhosis of liver(NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
Describe briefly etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopy of hepatocellular carcinoma (SVIMS, Oct 2021)
Etiopathogenesis and morphology of cirrhosis (MU Pondicherry, Nov 2019)
Etiopathogenesis of viral hepatitis and its complications (NTRUHS July 2019)
Etiology and morphology of chronic hepatitis (Pondicherry June 2019)
Sequence of serologic markers in acute hepatitis B infection (NTRUHS 2019)
Classify cirrhosis. Give gross and microscopic picture of alcoholic cirrhosis (NTRUHS 2018)
Post necrotic cirrhosis liver (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
Morphology of acute viral hepatitis and its complications (NTRUHS July 2017)
Morphology of hepatocellular carcinoma (NTRUHS July, 2016)
Chronic active hepatitis – etiology, microscopic picture and fate (NTRUHS Jan 2016, RGUHS June 2008)
Etiopathogenesis and morphology of Alcoholic liver disease (NTRUHS July 2014)
Aetiology of Cirrhosis (NTRUHS Jan, 2013)
Morphology of alcoholic cirrhosis (NTRUHS August 2010)
Etiopathogenesis of Hepatocellular carcinoma (NTRUHS Jan 2015, March 2010)
Pigment gall stones (NTRUHS April 2008)
Liver abscesses (NTRUHS MAY-2006, RGUHS Jun 2010)
Acute pancreatitis (NTRUHS Sep 2003)
Complications of cirrhosis (NTRUHS Oct 2005)
Etiopathogenesis of Acute Pancreatitis (RGUHS Dec 2013)
Hepatocellular carcinoma (RGUHS Jun 2008, Jun 2013, Dec 2013, Jun 2011)
Alcoholic liver disease (RGUHS Dec 2010, Dec 2013)
Cholelithiasis/ Gall stones (NTRUHS Jan., 2013, RGUHS Jan 2008, Jun 2009, Dec 2012, Jun 2013, Dec 2013)