Morphological changes in myocardial infarction

Morphological changes in myocardial infarction
  • Development of Gross and Microscopic features depends on the survival of the patients post MI
  • Gross changes are not apparent until 4 hrs.
  • Microscopic changes are not significant until 4 hrs
  • If infarct has occurred 2 to 3 hrs before death, areas of infarction can be highlighted by  immersing tissue slices in solution of Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride. This stain imparts brick red colour to intact, non-infarcted myocardium where lactate dehydrogenase is preserved whereas in the infracted area, this enzyme leaks out of the cells due to disruption of the membrane
  • Gross and microscopic changes in myocardial infarction are


  1. Vinay kumar, Abul K.Abbas, Nelson Fausto, Jon C. Aster. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 8th edition.
  2. Harsh mohan. Text book of Pathology.8th edition.2019