Lesions less than 2 cm in diameter
classic peptic ulcer is a round to oval, sharply punched-out with sharply defined margins
The mucosal margin may overhang the base slightly, in contrast, heaped-up margins are more characteristic of cancers
base of peptic ulcers is smooth and clean as a result of peptic digestion of exudate, and blood vessels may be evident
Gastric mucosal folds appear radiating from the margin of ulcer
Reference: Physiopedia- Peptic ulcers
In active ulcers the base- thin layer of fibrinoid debris
underlying stroma shows predominantly neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate
Beneath this, active granulation tissue infiltrated and a fibrous or collagenous scar forms the ulcer base
Vessel walls within the scarred area are typically thickened and are occasionally thrombosed
Scarring may involve the entire thickness of the wall and pucker the surrounding mucosa into folds that radiate outward.
Reference: Robbins and Cotrans.Pathologic Basis of Disease. 8th edition
Vinay kumar, Abul K.Abbas, Nelson Fausto, Jon C. Aster. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 8th edition.
Harsh mohan. Text book of Pathology.8th edition.2019
Dr.A.K Mandal, Dr. Sharmana Choudhary. Diseases of Gastrointestinal tract. In: Text Book for Pathology for MBBS Second series, volume II:2018.