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Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
MEN syndromes are a group of inherited diseases resulting in proliferative lesions of multiple endocrine organs
Tumors arising in MEN differs from tumors occuring sporadiaclly by
occuring in younger age
arise in multiple endocrine organs synchronously or metachronously
In single organ, the tumors are multifocal
Tumors are preceeded by asymptomatic stage of hyperplasia of cell of origin
Tumors are more aggressive and recur
There are 2 types of MEN syndrome
MEN 1 (Wermer syndrome)
Occurs due to germ line mutations in MEN1 tumor suppressor gene, which encodes protein called Menin.
Characteristic features of MEN1 syndrome are
Parathyroid hyperplasia/ adenoma
Endocrine tumors of Pancreas
Pituitory tumor – prolactinoma
Duodenum – Gastrinoma
other tumors which can develop are carcinoid tumors, thyroid and adrenal cortical adenomas and lipomas
MEN 2 – It is further subclassified into
Familial medullary thyroid cancer
MEN 2A (Sipple syndrome)
Caused by germline gain of function mutation in the RET protooncogenes on chromosome 10Q11.2.
Characteristic features of this syndrome are
Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
Parathyroid hyperplasia
caused by germ line mutation that constitutively activate the RET receptor
It is characterized by
medullary carcinoma of thyroid which is multifocal and aggressive
other features include
Neuromas or ganglioneuromas of skin, mucosa, eyes, respiratory tract, Gastrointestinal tract
Marfanoid habitus
Long axial skeletal features
Hyperextensible joints
Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma
This is a variant of MEN-2A and patient has predisposition to develop medullary carcinoma
20% cases are familial remaining are sporadic
Familial cases occur at older age group and has more indolent course
Anirban Maitra. The Endocrine system.In: Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease.9th edition.volume II.chapter 24. pp 1073-1141.
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