- These are rare tumors characterized by presence of intracellular and extracellular mucin.
- It has three variants
- Endocervical type – In this variant the tumor cells have pale granular cytoplasm and basal nuclei resembling the cells of the endocervix. they correspond to endocervical adenocarcinoma and are associated with high risk HPV type.
- Intestinal type – In this, the tumor cells exhibit intestinal type of differentiation with goblet cells and in rare cases argentaffin cells can also be present
- Signet ring cell type is extremely rare in its purest form but occurs in combination with other two types.

Tumor cells having eccentrically placed nuclei and cytoplasmic vacuolation (signet ring cells). extracellular mucin and necrotic material with inflammatory cells are noted (H&E,X100).

Signet ring cells having eccentrically placed hyperchromatic nuclei. Extracellular mucin is noted (H&E,X100).