- Papillomas are benign epithelial tumors arising with in the cystically dilated duct , located usually in the central part of the breast but can occur at the periphery also.
- They are solitary and can be multiple also.
- common presenting symptom is nipple discharge ( can be bloody).
- Papillomas can occur at any age but more common in 6th decade.
Mammography – smooth irregular mass with or without calcifications
Gross –
- Nodule protruding into the duct lumen giving the appearance of an encapsulated lesion.
- Papillomas are soft to firm in consistency and some times friable also.
- Surface of these lesions are bossylated.
- Size may vary from 1cm to 10cm
Microscopy –
- Papillomas consist of branching stromal fronds with fibrovascular core, lined by cuboidal to columnar epithelium and myoepithelial cells.
- The changes which can occur in papillomas are –
- Hyperplasia of epithelium lining the stromal fronds
- Solid intraductal papilloma
- Hyperplastic epithelium forming secondary lumens, microlumens and focal sollid areas.
- Apocrine metaplasia and squamous metaplasia
- Infarction due to ischemia
- mild pleomorphism with nuclear hyperchromasia and mitotic activity
Intraductal papilloma : Papilloma within the cystically dilated duct lined by cuboidal to flattened epithelium (H&E,50)
Duct papilloma: Papilloma in the cystically dilated duct lined by cuboidal to low columnar epithelium (arrow head) (H&E,X100).
- Duct Papilloma: Epithelial hyperplasia forming secondary lumens and micropapillae. one foci shows apocrine metaplasia of ductal epithelial cells (arrow head) (H&E,X100).
Duct papilloma with epithelial cells apocrine metaplasia on the upper right and normal ductal epithelial cells forming secondary lumens and papillae (H&E,X100)
Duct papilloma: Stromal fronds lined by benign ductal epithelial cells which are low columnar. Stroma shows epithelial cells forming microlumens (H&E,X400)
Duct papilloma: Branching stromal fronds forming papillae with fibrovascular core and epithelial cells forming secondary lumen (H&E,X100).
Duct papilloma: epithelial hyperplasia forming secondary lumens and micropapillae . Foci of apocrine metaplasia is seen (arrow head)(H&E,X100)
Duct pailloma: Branching papillae lined by epithelial cells showing hyperplasia (arrow head)(H&E,X100).
Duct papilloma: Papillae having fibrovascular core and lined by hyperplastic epithelial cells (H&E,X400).