Medullary carcinoma represents 5 to 7% of invasive breast carcinomas
It is considered as variant of ductal carcinoma
Mean age of presentation is 45 -54 years. Patients are relatively younger than ductal carcinoma NOS
Mammographically – well circumscribed nodule
Gross features
Tumor is soft and fleshy like marrow, hence the term medullary (Medulla is Latin word for marrow)
Smaller size of 2 to 3 cms
Well circumscribed with distinct margins often resembling benign lesion clinically and mammographically
Haemorrhage and necrosis are rarely present
Microscopic features
Five classical diagnostic features of Medullary carcinoma are
Syncytial growth pattern (sheet like) in greater than 75% of tumor area
Moderate to marked lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the stroma. Predominantly T lymphocytic infiltrate is present
Tumor cells with high nuclear grade and indistinct cell borders
Noninvasive microscopic circumscription – pushing smooth borders instead of infltrating margins
High mitotic rate
- Microphotographs
Tumor cells are P53 positive and HER2/neu negative tumors
90% of tumors are ER negative. Only 10% are ER and PR positive
Treatment and Prognosis
Good prognosis
Treatment is modified radical mastectomy
The only prognostic factor is axillary lymph nodal status.
References :
Robbins and Cotrans: Pathologic basis of diseases.8th edition
Fattaneh A Tavassoli, Vincenzo Eusebi. Tumors of mammary gland. AFIP Atlas of tumor pathology. Series 4
Robin Reid, Fiona Roberts, Elaine Mac Duff. Pathology Illustrated. 7th Edition 2011