Lesions in Rheumatic valvulitis
Valvulitis in acute Rheumatic fever is due to deposition of small fibrin vegetations along the lines of closure and by Aschoff bodies in the cusps
In chronic Rheumatic fever, it is characterised by scarring, commissural adhesion, and stenosis and/regurgitation.
Most common sequence of valves to be involved: Mitral (>90%)>Aortic>Tricuspid>Pulmonary valves
Characteristic FISHMOUTH or BUTTON HOLE stenosis seen
Vegetations called VERRUCAE overlying fibrinoid necrosis
Subendocardial MacCallum Plaques
Calcific aortic stenosis
References :
Robbins and Cotrans: Pathologic basis of diseases.8th edition
Harshmohan: Text book of Pathology.7th edition