Invasive Lobular carcinoma.

  • Invasive carcinoma composed of tumor cells which are non cohesive and E-cadherin negative
  • Incidence is 5 to 15% of all invasive breast carcinomas
  • Age – from 26 – 86 years with peak incidence at 50 years
  • This tumor is more frequently multicentric and bilateral
  • Presents as mammographic density with irregular borders or palpable mass
  • Gross – varies from firm nodular mass with irregular borders to micronodularity and subtle thickening of fibrous parenchyma
  • Microscopic features
    • Dyscohesive infiltrating tumor cells arranged often in single file pattern (Indian file pattern)
    • Tumor cells surround and invade the stroma surrounding residual duct in a “targetoid” pattern
    • Tumor cells are arranged in single file pattern as they spread along the prelymphatic channels due to lack of cohesion because of loss of E-cadherin.
    • Cell morphology:
      • Tumor cells are monotonous having round to oval nuclei and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. 
      • They may show intracytoplasmic lumina
      • Signet ring morphology with eccentrically placed nuclei and intracytoplasmic mucin droplet can be present

  • Variants 
    • Alveolar variant
    • Tubulo alveolar variant
    • Solid variant
    • Pleomorphic variant
    • Other rare variants: Apocrine cell variant, Histiocytoid variant, signet ring cell variant, and myoepithelial cell variant
  • Immunohistochemistry
    • usually positive for ER and PR
    • Negative for HER2/neu ( Except high grade pleomorphic variant)
  • Lobular carcinomas are graded as well differentiated and moderately differentiated
    • Well differentiated tumors are diploid, ER +ve and associated with Lobular carcinoma insitu. HER2/neu expression is very rare.
    • Moderately differentiated tumors are aneuploidy,lack hormone receptors and overexpress HER2/neu
  • Metastasis – More commonly spreads to the peritoneum, retroperitoneum, leptomeninges, ovary, gastrointestinal tract and uterus
  • Prognosis depends upon histologic grade of tumor and subtype
References :
1.     Robbins and Cotrans: Pathologic basis of diseases.8th edition
2.     Fattaneh A Tavassoli, Vincenzo Eusebi. Tumors of mammary gland. AFIP Atlas of tumor pathology. Series 4