Malignant transformation occurs in 1% of dermoids. Most common malignancy is Squamous cell carcinoma
Monodermal or specialized teratoma
These are specialized and rare group of teratomas
They are unilateral (may have contralateral teratoma)
Most common among them are
Struma ovarii – composed of mature thyroid tissue which may be functional
Carcinoid – which arises from intestinal tissue in intestine and may be functional .Large carcinoid (>7cms) can cause sufficient amount of 5- hydroxytryptamine to cause carcinoid syndrome
Immature teratoma
These are rare malignant tumors composed of immature or embryonal fetal tissue
Age – prepubertal and young women of age below 18years
Solid tumors with smooth external surface
Cut scetion shows hair follicles, sebaceous material, cartilage or bone
Varying amounts of immature neuroepithelium, cartilage, bone, muscle and other elements can be present
Grading of the tumor is done depending upon the proportion of immature neuroepithelium present in tumor
Treatment and prognosis
These tumors grow rapidly
Low grade tumors in stage I have excellent prognosis
High grade tumors confined to ovary are treated by chemotherapy
Recurrences can occur within 2 years
Lora Hedrick Ellenson, Edyta C pirog. The Female genital tract. In:Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease.2015. 9 edition. volume 991-1042