a. Define hypersensitivity. b. Explain in detail with examples of each type of hypersensitivity c. Explain in detail on type I hypersensitivity(NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
A homosexual individual who is also an intravenous drug abuser with history of persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) and chronic diarrhea came to sexually transmitted diseases (STD) OPD with mucosal candidiasis, fever, oral hairy leukoplakia and loss of more than 10% body weight. There is a fall in CD4+T cells count
a. What is the provisional diagnosis
b. Describe the sequences of events in the pathogenesis of the disease
c. Discuss various tests used for diagnosis and for monitoring treatment of same
(Answer : HIV infection its pathogenesis and diagnosis)
2. Define and classify Amyloidosis. Explain the gross and microscopicfeatures of organs involved in secondary amyloidosis(RGUHS- Dec2010
3. Describe the pathogenesis, morphology and staining characteristics of amyloidosis(RGUHS- Jun 2009, July 2008)
Define and classify Amyloid. Describe physical and chemical nature of amyloid. Enumerate the special stains for amyloid (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
Discuss the types of hypersensitivity reactions (YSRUHS, April 2024)
Type III hypersensitivity reaction with examples (RGUHS Feb 2023, NTRUHS 2018)
Define Amyloidosis. Write the physical and chemical nature of Amyloid and note on special stains (RGUHS Feb 2023)
Oppurtunistic infections in AIDS (RGUHS Feb 2023)
Enumerate and explain the stages of Lupus nephritis (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
Write in detail about pathogenesis of AIDS(NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
Classify hypersensitivity reaction. Describe type IV hypersensitivity reaction (SVIMS Oct 2021)
Discuss type- III hypersensitivity reaction with examples (Pondicherry university June 2019)
Discuss AIDS defining oppurtunistic infections (RGUHS Dec 2018)
Type II hypersensitivity reaction (Pondicherry university 2018, NTRUHS Feb 2018)
Pathogenesis of type I hypersensitivity reaction (NTRUHS-July 2015, RGUHS July 2008, Jul 2012)
Type IV hypersensitivity reaction with examples( NTRUHS Jan 2015) (RGUHS- Jan 2008, Jun 2013)
Hypersensitivity Reactions (RGUHS- Dec 2011)
Anaphylaxis (RGUHS- Jun 2011)
Pathogenesis of delayed hypersensitivity reactions(RGUHS- Dec 2009)
Graft vs host reaction (RGUHS- Jun 2011)
Transplant rejection reactions (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Describe the chemical nature of Amyloid (NTRUHSJan 2014, Jan 2012)
Chemical structure and types of Amyloid proteins (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
Amyloidosis of spleen (NTRUHS July 2011, RGUHS- Jun 2010, Dec 2013)
Pathogenesis of Amyloidosis (NTRUHS March 2010, Jan 2013, Aug 2010)
Physical nature of Amyloid with special stains for amyloid (RGUHS July 2012)
Special stains used in amyloidosis (NTRUHS February, 2009,RGUHS- Jan 2009)