Infectious diseases UG

  1. A forty year old man presented with history of persistent cough and evening rise of temperature over a period of 4 months, with associated loss of appetite and reduction in weight. Examination revealed matted cervical lymph nodes. An X ray chest done showed a small radio opaque focus in the apex of the upper lobe of right lung.
               a. What is your diagnosis
               b. Describe in detail the pathogenesis of the disease
               c. Describe the microscopic features associated with this lesion
               d. Enumerate the complications associated with this condition
              (Answer: Tuberculosis)                                     (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
              2. A 52 year old beggar is admitted with skin patches and nodules on the face. skin patches are hypoesthetic. Few                      toes on both feet are amputated partly
  • what is the probable diagnosis? How will you make the diagnosis
  • Classify the disease
  • What special stains will you do on the biopsy to make the diagnosis
  • Discuss the mode of transmission of the disease
                            (Answer : Leprosy)                                                                            (NTRUHS July 2017) 
  1. Describe the morphology of leprosy with a neat labelled diagram (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
  2. Tertiary syphilis (NTRUHS Dec 2022, RGUHS, Jan 2008)
  3. Tabulate the differences between lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy (NTRUHS July 2019, 2018, RGUHS, July 2008)
  4. Pathogenesis of primary pulmonary tuberculosis (NTRUHS Feb 2019)
  5. Morphology of lepromatous leprosy (NTRUHS Feb 2019)
  6. Give The Clinical Picture And Microscopic Picture of The Lesion In Lepromatous Leprosy (NTRUHS Jan 2016)
  7. Classify leprosy. Compare the major types of leprosy.
  8. Ghon Complex ( NTRUHS Jan, 2015)
  9. Primary Complex (NTRUHS August, 2009 Jan 2013, 2011, RGUHS-Jun 2011,Dec 2011)
  10. Rhinosporidiosis (NTRUHS July, 2011, RGUHS-Dec 2010)
  11. Actinomycosis (NTRUHS August, 2010, RGUHS-Jun 2008, Jun 2011)
  12. Lepromatous Leprosy (NTRUHS October, 2008, RGUHS-Jan 2008, Dec 2010)
  13. Stages of Syphilis (RGUHS- Dec 2011)
  14. Hydatid cyst (RGUHS Jan 2008,Jun 2011, Dec 2013)
  15. Opportunistic fungal infection (NTRUHS April 2005)
  16. Tuberculoid leprosy (NTRUHS May 2004)
  17. Primary tuberculosis (RGUHS- Jun 2012, Dec 2013)
  18. Pathology of deep fungal infections (RGUHS-Jun 2009)
  19. Amoebiasis (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  20. Opportunistic infections (RGUHS-Jun 2013)
  1. Briefly describe the lab tests for the diagnosis of leprosy  (SVIMS , Oct 2021)
  2. Lepromatous Leprosy (RGUHS Dec 2018, NTRUHS May, 2007)
  3. Primary complex (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  4. Name 1 infectious disease and three tumors caused by Epstein Barr virus (NTRUHS Jan 2014)
  5. Name Four (4) Causes Of Granuloma Formation (NTRUHS July / Aug 2014)
  6. Tuberculoid Leprosy – Microscopic Picture (NTRUHS July, 2013 )
  7. Name four sequelae of Ghons complex (NTRUHS Jan 13)
  8. Late Manifestations Of Congenital Syphilis (NTRUHS Jan 2012)
  9. Miliary Tuberculosis (NTRUHS August, 2010, RGUHS-Jul 2012)
  10. Mention the pathways of spread of military tuberculosis (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  11. Morphology Of Actinomycotic Mycetoma (NTRUHS March, 2010)
  12. Microscopy of lepromatous leprosy (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
  13. Fate of primary tuberculosis (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
  14. Mention the CSF findings in TB meningitis (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
  15. Mention four opportunistic fungal infections in AIDS(RGUHS, July 2008, Jun 2010)
  16. Mycetoma, Madura mycosis (NTRUHS May 2004, April 2003)
  17. Gross features of Mycetoma (RGUHS- Jan 2009)
  18. Neurosyphilis (RGUHS Dec 2013)
  19. Ghon’s complex (NTRUHS Jan 2015, RGUHS-Jun 2009, Dec 2009,July 2012, RGUHS-Jan 2009)
  20. Microscopy of Molluscum contagiosum (RGUHS-Jun2010)
  21. Primary Chancre (RGUHS- Dec 2013)
  22. Cerebral Toxoplasmosis (RGUHS-Dec 2013)
  23. Ano genital syphilis (RGUHS- Jul 2012)
  24. Name neoplastic lesions associated with HIV infection
  25. Epstein Barr virus (RGUHS-Dec 2011)
  26. Morphology of Hydatid cyst (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  27. List diseases caused by Epstein Barr virus (RGUHS-Jan 2009)
  28. Human Papilloma Virus (RGUHS-Jan 2009)
  29. Condyloma Accuminata (RGUHS-Jan 2009)
  30. Tuberculoma (RGUHS-Jan 2008)
  31. Hutchinson triad components (RGUHS-Jul 2008)
  32. Haemoparasites (RGUHS-Jan 2008, Dec 2013)
  33. Epstein Barr virus and cancers (RGUHS-Jan 2008)