The term fibrocystic change refers to benign breast changes caused by hormonally mediated exaggerated breast tissue response
Common in premenopausal women. Disease subsides in post menopausal women as there is decrease in estrogen levels.
Common age group is 30 -50 years
Hyperestrogenism has been known to be the significant etiological factor
Associated with polycystic ovaries and Cowdens syndrome.
Clinical feature–
Patient presents with painful, tender swellings which are fibrous and have defined edges
Usually bilateral and multifocal
Gross features
Gray white fibrous tissue with multiple cysts filled with semitranslucent fluid giving them blue colour (Blue domed cysts)
Microscopic features
Cystically dilated or ectatic ducts lined by metaplastic apocrine ductal cells having abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. Lumen of the cyst shows eosinophilic secretions and foamy macrophages
Mild epithelial hyperplasia without atypia may be present
Adenosis with increased number of acini or lobule
Stroma shows fibrosis
Other findings – calcification in the lumen of the cyst which on mammography termed as “Milk of magnesia”
Two types –
Non-proliferative fibrocystic change with simple cysts
Proliferative fibrocystic change with epithelial hyperplasia which can be ductal or lobular
Presence of atypical hyperplasia is considered to be associated with increased risk of developing breast cancer.
Dr.B.Chaitanya (Consultant Pathologist, RDT hospital, Anantapur) (
Dr.V.Shanthi (Professor of Pathology, Narayana Medical College, Nellore)