Enzyme markers in Myocardial infarction.

Enzyme markers in myocardial infarction
Biomarkers of cardiac muscle damage are

  • Most sensitive are Cardiac troponins I & T: Proteins that regulate calcium-mediated contraction of cardiac and skeletal muscle
  • Estimation of ratio of LDH-1:LDH-2 is helpful in diagnosis
  • Myoglobin – First biomarker to be elevated, however is non-specific and is rapidly excreted in urine


References :
  1. Robbins and Cotrans: Pathologic basis of diseases.8th edition
  2. Harshmohan: Text book of Pathology.7th edition
Dr.B.Chaitanya (Consultant Pathologist, RDT hospital, Anantapur) (bchaitanya.med@gmail.com)