Morphology of RCC

  • RCC affects mostly poles of the kidney
  • Clear cell RCC
    • Occurs as solitary unilateral circumscribed tumor which is bright yellow to gray white in colour.
    • Yellow colour is due to lipid accumulation in tumor cells.
    • Cut section – variegated with hemorrhagic & necrotic areas.
    • Microscopy-
      • Tumor cells are arranged in trabecular or tubular or solid or cystic pattern.
      • Tumor cells are polygonal or rounded having abundant clear or granular cytoplasm containing glycogen and lipids
      • Delicate vascular branching may be present
      • Tumor may invade pelvic calyces & may extend into ureter.
      • Characteristic feature in RCC is, it invades renal vein, interior vena cave and grows as solid cords of cells and may also extend into the right  side of the heart
  • Papillary carcinoma
    • Can be multifocal and bilateral
    • Grossly they are large cystic & hemorrhagic
    • Microscopic:
      • Tumor cells are cuboidal to low columnar cells lining the papillae having fibrovascular core with foamy macrophages
      • Psammoma bodies may be present
      • Highly vascularised scant stroma is present.
  • Chromophobe RCC
    • Tumor cells have pale eosinophilic cytoplasm with perinuclear halo
    • Cells are arranged in solid sheets with perivascular arrangement of tumor cells
  • Collecting duct carcinoma
    • Tumor has irregular channels lined by highly atypical epithelium with hobnail pattern.

  • Charles E. Alpers. The Kidney. In: Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Nelson Fausto, Jon C. Aster. Robbins And Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Eighth edition, 2011;Chapter 20: 905-970