1. A 65 year old male was admitted with breathing difficulty. History of sudden onset of high fever, chills and cough with mucopurulent sputum. X-ray chest shows radioopaque lesion in the left lung lower lobe. Laboratory findings as follows: positive gram stain on sputum noted 
a. What is the provisional diagnosis
b. Write the gross pathology and stages in this condition
c. Describe the difference between the two morphologic types
d. Labelled microscopic diagram of the disease
2. A 65 year old man, a chronic smoker, presented with history of weight loss, low grade fever and  difficulty in breathing. He gave history of hemoptysis for last month. X-ray chest showed enlarged right tracheobronchial lymph nodes. Bronchoscopy revealed a fungating growth in the right bronchus.
                a. What is the probable diagnosis
                b. Mention the major types (classification)
                c. Give the spread of the tumor
                d. What is paraneoplastic syndrome? Give features of paraneoplastic syndrome
              (Answer: Bronchogenic carcinoma)                              (NTRUHS Feb 2018)
3. A 55 years old lady present with breathlessness and cough for the past 2 weeks. She gives history of loss of  weight and tiredness for the past 6 months. X-ray chest revealed a massive pleural effusion on the left side. CT scan showed a nodular mass which is peripherally located in the left lung. CT guided biopsy of the mass showed large cells with pleomorphic nuclei and prominent nucleoli arranged in glandular pattern.
                 a. What is your diagnosis
                 b. Mention the histological types (Subclassification) of this lesion with illustrations
                 c. Describe its etiopathogenesis
                 (Answer: Adenocarcinoma of lung)                  (NTRUHS Jan 2015)
4. A male aged 60 years who is a chronic smoker presented with history of slowly increasing severe exertional dyspnoea and weight loss. He is barrel-chested and dyspneic with prolonged expiration, sits forward in a  hunched-over position and breaths through pursed lips
                   a) What is the probable diagnosis?                  
                   b) Mention the major types (classification) with appropriate diagrams
                   c) Discuss the pathogenesis of the lesion                  
                   d)Mention two causes of death in most of these patients
             (Answer: Emphysema)                          (NTRUHS Jan, 2014)
5. An elderly male, chronic smoker presented with steadily progressive dyspnoea. On examination he was found to be barrel chested and dyspnoeic with prolonged Expiration, sits forward in a hunched over position and breaths through pursed Lips. Chest X-ray revealed hyperinflation and small heart 
                   a) What is the probable diagnosis ?
                   b) Explain the role of smoking in the causation of the disease ?
                   c) Describe the morphology of the organ involved ?
                   d) List the complications
         (Answer: Emphysema)                          (NTRUHS May 2007)
6. 60years old man habituated to tobacco smoking came with history of cough, haemoptysis, dyspnoea, loss of weight, severe pain in the distribution of the ulnar nerve and Horner’s syndrome. Mention various laboratory investigations to make a final diagnosis. Describe the pathology of the lesion
         (Answer: lung carcinoma)                    (NTRUHS Sep  2003)
  1. A 40 year old female presented with history of chronic cough with profuse expectoration, occasional haemoptysis and also clubbing with coarse crepitation in right lung base.
                a. What is your probable diagnosis?
                b. Discuss the etiopathogenesis& pathology of the target organ involved.
        (Answer : Bronchiectasis)                    (RGUHS, Jun 2010)
7.Discuss about the etiopathogenesis, classification, pathology and morphology of Bronchogenic  carcinoma                                             (NTRUHS Oct .2002, RGUHS-Jul 2008)
8. Mention chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). Discuss emphysema (pathology, pathogenesis and morphology)                         (RGUHS-Jan 2008,Jun 2008)
9. Classify lung tumors. Discuss the pathogenesis, morphology and clinical features including paraneoplastic syndromes of Squamous cell carcinoma of lung (RGUHS, Dec 2013)
10. What is Emphysema? Write the types of Emphysema. Describe the pathogenesis of Emphysema. (RGUHS, Dec 2012)
11. Classify pneumonia. Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis, pathology and complications of Lobar Pneumonia (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  1. Enumerate the types of emphysema and describe its mechanism (SVIMS, Dec 2024)
  2. What are the types of emphysema. What are the complications of emphysema (SVIMS, May 2024)
  3. Lobar pneumonia (SVIMS, May 2024)
  4. Bronchiectasis (YSRUHS, April 2024, NTRUHS July 2011, March 2008, March 2005, April 2000 RGUHS-Jul 2008,Jan 2009,Jun 2009)
  5. Write a brief note on coal workers pneumoconiosis (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
  6. Write a short note on mesothelioma (NTRUHS, Feb 2022)
  7. Describe the etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopy of bronchiectasis (SVIMS, Oct 2021)
  8. Pathogenesis and morphology of asbestosis (NTRUHS, March 2021)
  9. Emphysema (MU Pondicherry, Nov 2019)
  10. Etiopathogenesis and morphology of small cell carcinoma lung (NTRUHS July 2019)
  11. Classify COPD. Discuss etiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma (Pondicherry June 2019)
  12. Discuss different types of emphysema ((NTRUHS Feb 2019,  Jan 2013, October 2004, October 2002 , RGUHS- Dec 2011, Jun 2010, Jan 2009)
  13. Give the complications of bronchiectasis (NTRUHS 2018)
  14. Classify pneumonia. What are the stages of lobar pneumonia (NTRUHS July 2017)
  15. Pathogenesis and genetics of bronchial asthma (NTRUHS July, 2016,RGUHS-Dec 2013)
  16. Asbestosis (NTRUHS Jan, 2016,RGUHS-Dec 2010)
  17. Morphology of Lobar Pneumonia and complications (NTRUHS August 2010, Jan 2012, JULY, 2013, July 2015)
  18. What are the types of pneumonia; write about the morphology of Lobar pneumonia and its complications (NTRUHS July 2014)
  19. Gross and microscopic picture of lobar pneumonia (NTRUHS Aug 2010 August 2009, Feb 2009, May 2006, RGUHS-Dec 2013,Jun 2011)
  20. Stages of Lobar Pneumonia (NTRUHS Oct, 2008)
  21. Lung abscess (NTRUHS May-2006, April 2004, March 2003, April 2000)(RGUHS- Jul 2012)
  22. Broncho Pneumonia (NTRUHS Oct 2005)
  23. Lobar pneumonia (RGUHS, Jan 2008)
  24. Chronic Venous Congestion of Lung (RGUHS-Dec 2011)
  25. Brown induration of lung (RGUHS, Jun 2010)
  26. Pneumoconiosis (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  27. Etiopathogenesis of Carcinoma Lung (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  28. Good Pasture syndrome (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  29. Clinical presentation and Morphology of Small cell carcinoma of lung (RGUHS-Jan 2009)
  30. Pulmonary oedema (RGUHS-Jan 2009)
  1. Tabulate the differences between centriacinar and panacinar emphysema (NTRUHS, Feb 2020)
  2. Small cell carcinoma of lung (RGUHS Dec 2018)
  3. Name any 4 causes of carcinoma lung (NTRUHS Feb 2017)
  4. Name the histologic variants of carcinoma lung. (NTRUHS Jan, 2011, RGUHS, Jun 2010)
  5. Classification of bronchogenic carcinoma (NTRUHS Sep 2007)
  6. Mesothelioma (NTRUHS Oct-2005)
  7. Complications of Lobar Pneumonia (NTRUHS Mar 2005,RGUHS-Jun 2008)
  8. Lung cancer histologic types (NTRUHS July 2012, Jan 11)
  9. Lung abscess (NTRUHS April 09, May 2006)
  10. Brown induration of lung (NTRUHS Sep2003)
  11. Define Emphysema. Mention the types of Emphysema (RGUHS Dec 2013, Jun 2012, Jun2009)
  12. Lobar pneumonia (RGUHS, Jun 2013)
  13. Complications of Bronchiectasis (RGUHS, Jun 2013)
  14. Microscopic appearance of lung in Bronchopneumonia (RGUHS-Dec 2011)
  15. Enlist Pneumoconiosis (RGUHS-Jun2010,Jun 2012)
  16. Four causes of haemorrhagic pleural fluid (RGUHS, Dec 2010)
  17. Grey hepatisation (RGUHS, Dec 2010)
  18. Asbestos Body (RGUHS, Jun2009)
  19. List chronic obstructive lung diseases (COPD) (RGUHS-Jun 2009)
  20. Bronchiectasis (RGUHS-Dec 2009)
  21. Mention 3 tumors caused by Asbestos (RGUHS- Jun 2009)
  22. Etiology of Malignant Mesothelioma (RGUHS- Dec 2009)
  23. Red hepatisation (RGUHS-Jan 2009)
  24. List Asbestos related diseases (RGUHS-Jul 2008)
  25. Bagassosis (RGUHS-Jul 2008)