
  • Also known as lipochrome & wear –tear or ageing pigment
  • Term “Lipofuscin” is derived from latin word “fuscus – brown” which refers to brown lipid
  • It is an endogenous pigment which is golden brown in colour
  • Composed of polymers of lipids & phospholipids complexed with proteins
  • It is derived through lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated lipids of sub cellular membranes and oxidized cross linked proteins
  • Microscopic appearance: Appears as yellow-brown, finely granular intracytoplasmic, often perinuclear pigment
  • It is a sign of free radical injury
  • Prominent in liver and heart of ageing patients or patients with severe malnutrition cancer cachexia
  • Lipofuscin accumulation in the heart muscle as process of ageing is called “Brown atrophy of heart”

  • Vinay kumar, Abul K.Abbas, Nelson Fausto, Jon C. Aster. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 8th edition.