Synonym – Lipoid nephrosis, Foot process disease, Nil deposit disease.
It is a benign disorder characterised by diffuse effacement of foot processes of visceral epithelial cells (podocytes) detectable only by EM in the glomeruli that appear virtually normal by light microscope
Most frequent cause of nephrotic syndrome in children but less common in adults.
Age peak incidence is between 2 & 6 years
Immune deposits are absent in glomeruli but immunological basis for disease is suggested due to
Clinical association with respiratory infections and prophylactic immunizations
Response to corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive therapy
Association with other atopic disorders (eczema or rhinitis)
Increased incidence in patients with hodgkins lymphoma in whom there is the defect in T-cell mediated immunity)
Involves immune dysfunction that results in elaboration of factors that damage visceral epithelial cells and cause proteinuria
Exact nature of the injury is probably mutation of a renal protein called Nephrin
Nephrin resembles an immunoglobulin like cell adhesion receptors that participate in cell-cell and cell matrix interaction. Thus this probably causes adhesion defect to visceral epithelial cells of glomerular basement membrane. This leads to detachment of epithelial cells causing proteinuria
Defects in charge barrier may cause proteinuria (not proved)
Light microscopy – Normal glomeruli
Electron microscopy –
GBM appears normal and no electron dense material is deposited
Principal lesion-visceral epithelial cells show uniform diffuse effacement of foot processes and cytoplasm with loss of recognisable intervening slit diaphragms
Such change can be seen in the diseases also like membranous glomerulopathy or DM
Such change is associated with normal glomeruli on LM than the diagnosis of minimal change diseases is made
Reference :
Cells of proximal tubules are laden with lipids and protein reflecting tubular reabsorption of lipoproteins passing through diseased glomeruli-thus the historical name is lipoid nephrosis
Immunofluorescence studies –No immunoglobulin or complement deposits
Disease is completely reversible after administration of corticosteroids
Clinical features
Massive proteinuria but renal function remaining normal
NO HTN or hematuria
Proteinuria is highly selective most of the protein being albumin
Characteristic feature complete remission by corticosteroids and prognosis is excellent.
Vinay kumar, Abul K.Abbas, Nelson Fausto, Jon C. Aster. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 8th edition.
Harsh mohan. Text book of Pathology.8th edition.2019
A.K.Mandal, Dr. Sharmana Choudhary. Textbook of Pathology for MBBS. Vol II. Second edition 2017.