Sheets of neoplastic cells with interstitial osteoid and congested blood vessels (H&E,X100)

Sheets of neoplastic cells with interstitial osteoid and congested blood vessels (H&E,X100).

Neoplastic cells with nuclear atypia and interstitial seams of osteoid (H&E,X400).

Neoplastic cells having hyperchromatic nuclei of varying sizes. interstial seams of osteoid is seen (H&E,X200).

Neoplastic cells having hyperchromatic nuclei of varying sizes. Interstitial seams of osteoid is noted (H&E,X400).

Tumor cells having round to oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli and with interstitial seams of osteoid (H&E,X400).

Neoplastic cells having hyperchromatic nuclei of varying sizes and with interstitial seams of osteoid (H&E,X400).

Neoplastic cells with nuclear atypia and interstitial lace like osteoid (H&E,X400).