- It is a benign lesion composed of closely packed tubules arranged in nodular configuration
- Accounts for 0.1% to 1.7% benign breast lesions
- Age group common in younger women (but can occur at any age)
Gross – well circumscribed, firm in consistency and cut surface is uniform yellow.
- Lesion is composed of closely packed round to ovoid tubules lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells, but myoepithelial cells are less conspicuous
- Tubules may be elongated or branching
- apocrine changes can also be seen
- stroma is sparse with blood vessels and lymphocytic infiltrate

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X50)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X100)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X100)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X100)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X400)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X400)

Tubular adenoma with apocrine cells (on the left) having abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm (H&E,X100)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X50)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X100)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules (H&E,X100)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules with scant stroma in between (H&E,X400)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules with scant stroma in between (H&E,X400)

Tubular adenoma: Closely packed round to ovoid tubules with scant stroma in between (H&E,X400)